
Butterflies in the pantry, with 3 leaves they flutter away immediately: you won’t have to throw anything away

By Lesia

Have you ever encountered butterflies in your pantry? Wondering how to avoid having to throw away all your food? Here’s the trick to solve this problem.

Butterflies and Food

Small, often harmless, pantry butterflies find refuge in our cupboards, attracted by the smell of food, especially poorly stored pasta and cereals. They lay their eggs in poorly sealed food bags, quickly making our pantry their home.

Foods infested with butterfly eggs can be a problem, as once contaminated, they are unfit for consumption. Pasta and rice are particularly vulnerable to egg laying, which can lead to widespread infestation in a short time.

Natural Solutions

To get rid of these butterflies, it is possible to use products and devices designed to trap them, but natural remedies are equally effective and safer for food.

First, carefully clean the pantry with a mixture of white vinegar and hot water to disinfect and eliminate odors. Then, use natural substances such as orange or lemon peels, known to repel insects. However, the most effective ally is bay leaves.

The Power of Laurel

Bay leaves are very effective at keeping butterflies away from your pantry. Simply place a few fresh leaves on your shelves. Their strong aroma acts as a natural insect repellent.

Remember to replace bay leaves periodically to maintain their effectiveness. With this simple trick, you can keep your pantry clean and your food safe for consumption.