
Lemons, because after buying them they freeze them all: the surprising reason

By Lesia

Have you ever found yourself with overripe lemons in your fridge? Storing lemons in the freezer could be the perfect solution to prevent them from spoiling. Find out why this old grandmother’s trick is gaining popularity in the modern kitchen.

1. Reasons to Freeze Lemons:
Lemons have a tendency to spoil quickly, especially when stored together in a humid environment. When one begins to ripen, it can cause mold to appear on the others. However, freezing lemons can prolong their freshness and prevent waste.

2. Freezing Process:
It is advisable to cut the lemons into pieces before freezing them for easier use later. The pieces can be stored in freezer bags and placed in the freezer. When you need a lemon, simply take it out and let it defrost for a few minutes. You can speed up the process by placing it in the sun or using the defrost function on your microwave.

3. Benefits of Eating Frozen Lemons:
Eating frozen lemons can have surprising health benefits. The outer part of the lemon, which is often discarded, contains a higher concentration of nutrients and antioxidants than the juice. By freezing lemons, their flavor becomes milder and they are easier to consume. Plus, frozen peel has a more intense and flavorful taste than fresh peel.

Freezing lemons is a simple and effective practice to preserve their freshness and make the most of their health benefits. In addition, this technique helps reduce food waste and maintain a healthier lifestyle.