
“Your plants will bloom beautifully thanks to this powerful homemade fertilizer.”

By Lesia

Do you have plants that just don’t want to flower?

Today, discover with me a very powerful homemade fertilizer that will boost the flowering of your plants.

We often tend to resort to store-bought chemical fertilizers, even though they can be harmful to the plant and the environment. That’s why we recommend preparing this homemade fertilizer, which is very easy to make at home.

Indeed, we are talking about an organic fertilizer made from 100% natural products. It will fertilize your plants so that they can produce flowers quickly. You just need to follow this recipe and you will see that you will not be able to do without it.

It is actually a fertilizer and an insecticide in one, especially if you are a beginner in the world of gardening. What makes this fertilizer successful is that it is almost free, despite being considered the best fertilizer of all time.

Rich in vitamins B and C and thiamine, this fertilizer is perfect for ensuring plant rooting. So, if you have plants at home that don’t want to flower and are full of aphids and scale insects, all you have to do is prepare it.

How to prepare this fertilizer for your plants?

To do this, you need cloves and a potato. If the latter contains nutrients that will stimulate the growth of your plant, the cloves will repel all the parasites that infest your plant.

Now, take a blender and pour into it a piece of potato, 5 cloves and 1 litre of water. Then, start blending for 2 minutes. Afterwards, strain into another container using a strainer.

After this step, you will have a pure, residue-free solution. You can then use it once a month to fertilize your plants.

This natural solution will improve the condition of your plants by eliminating parasites. This way, they will produce flowers more quickly and abundantly.