
Potatoes: how not to germinate them. Grandma’s foolproof trick for preserving them

By Lesia

Potatoes: Don’t sprout them. This is grandma’s trick for preserving them

One of the most commonly used foods in cooking is undoubtedly the  potato . In fact, these tubers have a unique flavour and everyone likes them.

No matter how you cook them, potatoes are sure to turn anyone’s taste buds upside down, even without any special preparation.

They are  cheap and versatile  and practically make young and old alike mouths water.

However, people are used to buying potatoes and  not eating them for several days . However, this can cause the potatoes  to sprout  precisely because most people do not use the  effective method of storing them .

So, if you want to prevent this from happening, just keep reading and discover the   useful  trick to prevent sprouts from appearing on potatoes .

Potatoes: Here’s how to store them so they don’t sprout. Follow these tips.

Clearly, when you buy a food, you should keep in mind the  method to preserve it in the  best possible way.

Potatoes are often purchased in large quantities, so it’s crucial to know the best method for storing them.

To do this, you must first know that  the appearance of sprouts  causes there to be very high levels  of solanine  in these tubers. This substance is used by the potato to defend itself against pests. While it is true that cooking reduces the risks of this substance, it is better not to risk it since high levels of solanine  can cause gastritis ,  vomiting , stomach pain  ,  abdominal pain  and  nausea .

Therefore, it immediately becomes clear that it is better to prevent the appearance of sprouts on potatoes.

To do this, you must first  store them in a dry and cool place . However,  it is not advisable to store them in the refrigerator  as too much humidity could ruin them instantly.

But don’t despair! There is a fabulous  grandmother’s trick  that will allow you to preserve your potatoes in the best possible way without any risk.

Potatoes: discover grandma’s trick to keep them well. It will be very useful and very easy

The makeup inherited from grandmothers is really easy. Just put the potatoes in a large basket and add  a couple of apples .

Apples will, in fact,  release ethylene which can  slow down the ripening process of  potatoes.

Easy, right?

However, if the sprouts that have appeared on the potato are few, you can always use it by simply  removing the part with a knife . If not, i.e. if there are many, you should throw it away immediately.

If you have to store the potatoes for a long time, I recommend that you skim them first in order to  remove the most damaged ones  because they could contaminate the others.

Finally, I want to give you another piece of advice: don’t wash them ! You should never do this because  water promotes humidity  and would therefore speed up the bud growth process.

All you have to do is put this simple information into practice so that you can preserve your tubers in the best possible way.

This way you will also save a lot of money and you will be able to eat them calmly and without fear of feeling sick.

Of course, cook them however you like: the result will always be highly appreciated by your family.