
Citrus peels: put them in a glass jar and you will never have to throw them away again, my grandmother always did!

By Lesia

Create delicious scents for your clothes

You can do many things with citrus peels, for example,  you can create natural perfumes for the rooms in your house or for your clothes  . Simply collect all the peels, put them in a pot and let them boil. You can also add other ingredients such as cinnamon, star anise or cloves if you prefer. This way you will get an even more intense aroma.

Obviously, to follow this method, we recommend that you  boil the peels for several hours  , adding water from time to time if necessary. You can also get perfect perfumers for your laundry in another way. Alternatively,  you can dry all the citrus peels  . Afterwards, you can chop them up and place them inside a cotton bag. By placing the bag among your clothes,  you will give your clothes an irresistible scent.

Use citrus peels for household cleaning.

Citrus peels can also be used to create excellent  natural household cleaning products.  Simply find a container, fill it with white vinegar and let the peels infuse. We recommend carefully sealing the container with a stopper and  letting the peels infuse in the vinegar for at least a week  . After the necessary time has passed, you can filter the mixture and use it as  a natural detergent for cleaning your home.

This product will be perfect  for cleaning and disinfecting floors, cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, furniture and even the refrigerator  . In addition to obtaining scented surfaces, you will clean the entire house perfectly, making it shine again. It is a natural remedy that is not aggressive for some materials. This detergent created with citrus peels, in fact, will be perfect for any material.

Other uses

As for food recovery, you can collect citrus peels,  cut them into slices and freeze them.  You can reuse them to  flavour drinks and infusions  or to prepare tasty dishes in the kitchen.