
Garlic, goodbye to sprouts! My grandmother taught me how to store it without that happening!

By Lesia

Garlic, goodbye to sprouts! My grandmother taught me how to store it without that happening!

What are the typical ingredients of  Mediterranean cuisine ? Well, summarizing them in a few words is difficult, but garlic is certainly one of  the  essential elements. From sauces to main dishes, we are talking about a bulbous plant that is essential in our kitchen: its intense flavor and smell give many recipes something extra. In addition to this, we are talking about a food that is capable of benefiting our health in an exceptional way. That said, it is often difficult to choose a place for it in the kitchen, as it often deteriorates easily or shows the classic sprout. So how to  keep it  in the best possible way? Read on to find out!

Store garlic without sprouting it: be careful with humidity!

The main factors determining the health and storage of garlic are, without a doubt , humidity and  light . Both, in fact, can be decisive for the longevity of our bulbs. Precisely for this reason, the solution we propose concerns, first of all, the guarantee of some decisive factors to obtain garlic without sprouts and always fresh.

We opt for a container that is suitable for storing garlic. Let’s look for one that is similar to a   glass jar , with a lid: this way you can look inside at any time and keep it under control. The lid must have a  hermetic seal , otherwise you risk getting the opposite effect and creating a sort of harmful hood. We clean the container as best we can before putting the garlic in it.

At this point, place the garlic inside the jar, choosing bulbs that  do not have sprouts : opt for whole cloves, avoiding chopping or crumbling the garlic. If there are dirty outer skins, remove them. Once we have placed the garlic in the jar, then we will have to store it in a dry and dark place, away from direct light;  any humidity  that may be present near the dishwasher or sink should also be kept away.

As we have seen, light and humidity can be decisive for the life of our garlic. These factors can in fact accelerate the germination process and therefore cause the deterioration of the garlic that can no longer be stopped. It is therefore important to keep our jar in a very cool area of ​​the kitchen, but dark and away from heat and sources of humidity. Remember that radiators and stoves can also be harmful.

By doing so, we will always have garlic that is fresh, fragrant and ready to use! Try this method and tell us!