
Washing machine, a little goes a long way: clothes will smell great for days

By Lesia

Often, the strong, persistent odors of commercial detergents and fabric softeners can be overwhelming on clothes. For those who prefer a more subtle but pleasant scent on their laundry, there is a homemade solution: laundry fresheners! Find out how to create your own laundry freshener with simple, natural ingredients.

1. The Era of Laundry Deodorizers:
With the growing popularity of eco-friendly and fragrance-free detergents, laundry deodorizers have gained ground in the market. These products are designed to add a delicate scent to washed clothes, without the harsh, chemical odors of conventional fabric softeners.

2. Ingredients and Preparation:
To make your own laundry freshener, you only need a few readily available ingredients: coarse salt, baking soda, and natural essential oils. Coarse salt helps remove stains, baking soda has sanitizing properties, while essential oils provide the desired scent. Simply mix these ingredients in a container and transfer to an airtight jar.

3. Using Homemade Air Freshener:
Adding homemade air freshener to your laundry is simple. After loading your clothes into the washing machine, add one or two tablespoons of air freshener directly into the drum, along with the detergent and fabric softener in the appropriate drawer. Start the wash cycle as usual to enjoy clothes with a fresh and long-lasting scent.

With this simple home trick, you can enjoy laundry with a personalized and pleasant scent, without worrying about the strong, chemical smells of commercial products. Experiment with different combinations of essential oils to find your perfect fragrance and enjoy scented laundry for days!