
Vinegar in the bathroom solves a very annoying problem: many people do it

By Lesia

Wine vinegar in the toilet: pour a little into the bowl and you will see what miraculous action it has. Not everyone knows this, but we will explain it to you.

Wine vinegar is not just an ingredient that enriches our salads and dishes. Of course, in the kitchen, adding it to dishes can make a difference and make everything even tastier, but  it is not the only way to use this multi-purpose product.

In fact, we have often been told to use vinegar when cleaning  the house  . It has  sanitizing properties  that should not be underestimated. Unlike the detergents we buy at the supermarket, it is a  completely natural remedy  and free of chemicals or toxic substances.

Wine vinegar for our bath

Anyone who cleans the house on a daily basis knows that there are some areas of our home that are more difficult and demanding to clean.  The bathroom is one of them.  This is an environment that must be thoroughly sanitized and disinfected: the presence of dirt, germs and bacteria can be harmful.

In the common imagination, cleanliness is immediately linked to the use of numerous detergents. There are currently many products and there is one for every purpose. These detergents promise to thoroughly sanitize whatever we decide to clean and they certainly work, but  we must not overlook the other side of the coin.

Detergents are effective, but our wallets and the environment  suffer. They are quite expensive and the result is a clean bathroom, but the environmental damage is not insignificant.  With the same result and at half the price,  we can choose to use natural, convenient and sustainable products. One of them is vinegar.  Let’s see together how to use it in the bathroom of our home.

Leave it on overnight: the benefits

As we all know, it often happens that the bottom of our toilet bowl gets very dirty. It turns yellow and seems to form stubborn deposits. The solution is at hand:  pour a little wine vinegar into the bowl and let it sit overnight  . The next morning, rub the brush vigorously on both the bottom and sides, and everything will come out like magic.

With this simple trick, your toilet will return to its original colour and look decidedly new.  The advantages are many  : a bowl as good as new, significant savings and damage to the environment avoided.

By trying to replace chemical substances with natural ones we can make a difference in our own small way. Other products such as vinegar are suitable for cleaning the home and the results are remarkable. For example  , baking soda and lemon  , if you know how to use them, will make your home shine.