
Mold in the corners of your bathroom, this remedy solves the problem forever

By Lesia

That’s why we start buying thousands of products that in the end are useless and that also stink a lot and  harm human health.

In particular, mold forms in the bathroom, in the corners, probably because it is the room that remains humid the longest and has little ventilation.

Mold in the house, there is only one reason: lack of air and excessive humidity.

Usually, there is only one window in the bathroom, in many cases there is not even one and there is only a fan. As much as it may seem, this is exactly the case, modern houses do not open the bathroom window  in favor of the fan to save space and use it 100%.

In reality, there is nothing worse than all this, because if you do not manage to renew the air as you should, after a shower or a nice relaxing bath, condensation forms which attacks walls, tiles and floors and causes mould to form.

Gradually the situation becomes impossible to accept, it is absolutely impossible to pretend that everything is fine.  You can smell the mold from the hallway  or from other rooms that may also be gradually affected by the problem.

Not only is all this unhealthy, but it also creates difficulties when you have guests over and perfumes or deodorants are not enough. For this reason, once mould has been identified, it must be removed immediately.

Immediate mold removal: is it advisable to use anti-mold sprays? Here’s everything you need to know

And at this point we come to the point, immediate removal of mold is the only optimal solution, but how to proceed? In reality, no one can know. There are many anti-mold products  for sale in supermarkets and small home improvement stores, but do they work?  Are they worth buying?

They could also work, but using them is counterproductive, because they are bad for your health, then because they are aggressive and finally because it is more difficult to eliminate them.

Home remedies that work, secrets and tips

Don’t worry, there are home remedies that not everyone knows about that can solve the problem in a few moments without spending a euro or, in any case, spending half of what it costs to buy products that are suitable for the problem.

Therefore, to eliminate mold with home remedies, all you need to do is prepare the solution that  has been all the rage on the Internet in recent weeks:  its preparation and application requires 15 minutes and the use of a tiny piece of cotton.

Pour  water and vinegar together in a spray bottle and spray on the mold present in the corners of the bathroom  . The same applies if you use anti-mold products. In the case of vinegar, the advantages are many because the product, for those who do not know, has fantastic natural antioxidant properties.

Whatever the product, leave it to act for at least 15 minutes. Then take a cotton ball soaked in vinegar and apply it to the affected areas. After a few minutes, remove the balls and rinse, taking care to remove all traces of mould, vinegar or spray.

Pay attention to the after-effects, treatment and prevention are important to solve the problem once and for all.

The difference is immediately noticeable, at first sight but also by the smell. The air in the house and especially in the bathroom will be lighter.

After removing the mould and products, it is advisable to take care of the room, opening it and ventilating it periodically, otherwise the situation  will return to the same in a very short time.