
Oxalis (plant of happiness): the reason why this PRENADHEROUS houseplant should be in every home!

By Lesia

Oxalis triangularis is characterized by its distinctive purple clover-shaped leaves , which resemble butterflies and spread beautifully during the day and retreat downwards towards the trunk at night.

One of the advantages of this plant is that if you accidentally forget to water it and it withers, it will come back to life very quickly after watering. 



Thanks to houseplants,  we will get to know this plant a little better in this article.

Burned by legends

It is said that if this plant thrives in your home, it is a sign that you have “good” energy.

It is also said that whoever brings a plant and takes good care of it will soon have good luck knocking on their door. 🙂 That is why they say that it should be in every house.

It is not demanding

This elegant purple plant is a real asset to any interior and if you provide it with good conditions, it will also delight you with its tiny white flowers.


It can be grown indoors, but it can also be found in the garden among annuals, perennials and shrubs.

This plant is poisonous to pets , but its leaves have an unpleasant taste and are best avoided.

However, for safety reasons, it is better to keep it out of the reach of pets and children.

It is not overly demanding, but to keep it looking beautiful you should give it a bright spot with plenty of sunlight.

However, it is not advisable to expose them to direct sunlight as this could damage their leaves.

The leaves often move and rotate towards the light.

During the day and in good light conditions they open wide and as the day draws to a close the leaves close slightly .


If the leaves do not open, this may be a sign that the plant needs more sun.

During the cold months, the plant tolerates less watering,  so it does not need to be watered too often. When it is warm, the frequency of watering should be increased.

Irrigation and fertilization

In addition to regular watering, you should also spray the plant from time to time to keep the leaves dust-free .

However, it is not demanding when it comes to watering , so it is practically sufficient to water it according to the season and to check the substrate. You can fertilize it from time to time with an all-purpose fertilizer.

Between autumn and winter, place the plant in a cooler place without watering it, as the plant will decline during this time.

Don’t worry, if the plant wilts, this is normal and it will come back to life in spring.



Since the Oxalis is a fairly compact plant, it only needs to be repotted every few years.

Basically, this is only necessary if the plant is growing on all sides of the pot or if you want to make it denser. 

Transplanting is very easy because the plant consists of several bulbs.

All you need to do is divide the plant into bulbs and plant them in separate pots.

Try not to plant the bulbs too close together so that the plant has enough space and grows quickly.

This plant does not have high demands on the substrate and thrives well in all-purpose soil.

Keep the pot reasonably warm and reduce watering until the bulbs are fully developed and have formed new shoots.


The plant grows to a maximum height of 25 cm and adapts to the size of the container in which it is planted.

The wider the container, the wider the plant can grow.

The flowers are generally white , with purple and pink tones.

Like the plant itself, the flowers are elegant and form in small clusters that last for several weeks. The flowers can last for several weeks. 


The flowers can bloom at any time of the year, but they most commonly appear in summer.

When they start to flower, it is best to carefully cut them back as close to the base as possible , otherwise they will dry out and fall back to the leaves.

Never consume

Triangular sorrel is a poisonous plant that can cause poisoning in cats, dogs and humans if consumed in large quantities.

Onions contain the highest concentration of toxic compounds, and although the plant is repulsive to animals in most cases, it is better to grow it in a safe place.



Generally speaking, this plant thrives best in a location with sufficient light , but not in direct sun, and deep shade should be avoided.

Do not overwater the soil and always wait until the soil is almost dry before watering.

The ideal temperature is medium without major fluctuations, and it is sufficient to fertilize once every few months.