
You will have a beautiful lemon plant in 30 days: the peeled seed technique

By Lesia

Almost everyone can grow a lemon tree. Let’s find out how to do it using the particular method of peeled seeds.

Lemon is a  citrus fruit  with incredible beneficial properties. In fact, it is a natural source of  potassium  and vitamin  C.  The anti-inflammatory properties of lemon are really crazy. The same goes for its diuretic and antioxidant properties.

This citrus fruit also aids digestion and is a valuable ally for many of our vital organs, such as the liver. Many people choose to  grow one or more lemon plants  in pots or in their garden.

It is important to water the lemon plant abundantly, especially during the hottest months of the year. In addition, it should not be exposed to excessive wind or particularly dry weather. Some gardening experts will be able to advise you on the exact area in which to grow this precious citrus plant.

Are you curious to know  how to optimally sow lemon seeds  , to grow and develop new plants of this citrus with incredible beneficial properties? All you have to do is continue reading our article. Here you will find everything you need to know about it.

Lemon seedling, the peeled seed method: here is the incredible result

The first thing we will do is  take a ripe lemon and cut it  -with the help of a knife-  into two exact halves  . Next, each half of the citrus fruit must be squeezed by hand, using a citrus juicer. At this point, the seeds will be separated from the lemon juice. When creating a new lemon plant,  the seeds will be the elements that interest us  .

To implement this amazing trick, all you have to do is  take one of these seeds  ,  removing the outer skin  . You can use normal tweezers, for example those used to remove excess hair from our body or eyebrows.

Once you have removed the outer skin of one or more seeds, here is the exact procedure to follow to  germinate your lemon plant in 30 days  . You will need to take a small clear plastic box with a lid and place a napkin at the bottom.

Then, on the napkin inside the box, you will insert the previously peeled seeds. Once this is done, it will be necessary to spray a little water on the seeds, covering everything with another napkin. You will spray a little more water and close the container with the seeds inside with a lid. On top, then, you will have to mark the date on which you carried out all this.

What do you have to do now  ? Below is the complete procedure for obtaining a lemon plant using the peeled seed technique.

All steps to be followed carefully.

This box will be placed in a very bright interior area of ​​your apartment. The important thing is that  the box is never left in the sun  for a long time or, in any case, in direct contact with sunlight. The seeds could, in fact, burn.

After 15 days  , you will notice how the seeds have developed a  hint of roots  , a clear sign that the process is bearing fruit. At this point you can go and  plant each seed in a pot  with the roots. Each seed will correspond to a vase. In the vase you must place a fairly acidic soil – with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 – and, in fact, our seed.

It will be necessary to make a small space in the centre of the soil and place the seed with the roots facing down at a  depth of about 1 centimetre  . Once the seed has been planted in the soil and covered by it, the operation of watering will be necessary. To do this, use a spray bottle so as not to create a dangerous stagnation of water.

It doesn’t end there. Equip yourself with a  plastic  food bag and place the jar inside, sealing it tightly. Even in the following days, the sun’s rays should not shine directly on the vase. After 30 days in total, we will notice how our lemon plants have started to emerge from the ground.

Using the peeled seed technique, we have created one (or several) lemon plants. After a few months,  our plant will reach a few centimetres in height  . For at least a year, it is advisable to keep it in a bright place, but not in direct contact with the sun. It is important to water it constantly.

When it is  one year old  , the plant can be  placed directly in the ground  . Finally, when it is  two years old  , the plant can be  grafted  , so that over time it can produce lemons.