
Baked banana peels, the natural remedy you will never forget  

By Lesia

Did you know that you can use oven-dried bananas as a natural remedy for your garden and plants in general? Let’s see what uses you can give to this remedy that will allow you to save a lot!

Do you have the habit of throwing away banana peels because they obviously belong in the trash? From now on, they are no longer necessary, because  you can recycle them and give them uses that you never even imagined  . That’s right, with banana peels you can obtain an absolutely natural and very effective fertilizer to revitalize your garden and ensure lush growth for your plants.

As is well known, if there is a deficiency of potassium and phosphorus,  plants cannot develop properly.  Thanks to  dried banana peels, you can save on the purchase of fertilizers  for your plants and take advantage of the potential of this fruit to guarantee them greater nutrition.

So don’t throw away banana peels anymore, put them aside and follow the correct procedure to obtain an excellent natural fertilizer. You can easily notice that  the plants are lacking potassium and phosphorus  , in fact the  leaves appear yellow and wilted at the edges  and therefore it is a sign that it is necessary to take action. Here we show you some ways to make fertilizer with banana peels and even dry them!

Prepare a decoction with banana peels.

An easy-to-use first method to  prepare an effective natural fertilizer for plants with banana peels is by boiling them  . Here’s what you should do:

  • Take a pot and put some water in it.
  • Add the chopped banana peels inside.
  • Cook and wait 1 hour from when it starts to boil.
  • If necessary add a little more water.

Once the time has passed,  let the mixture cool and filter the liquid through a strainer.  When it is completely cold, you can use the banana liquid as a plant fertilizer.

How to dry banana peels in the sun

In order to use dried banana as a natural remedy for plants, we must know how to dry it. What is the procedure to follow to dry them well and be able to reuse them for this purpose? In fact, there are two options to follow to dry bananas.

The first is  to peel the fruit and expose it to the sun for 3 days  , a procedure that you can do when the sun is shining and therefore you cannot do it when it is very cold and the sun is not strong enough. In this case, however, it is a  fairly simple process that occurs naturally,  since the peels dry with the heat of the sun’s rays.

Procedure for drying bananas in the oven.

The second procedure is a little longer and  requires the use of the oven  . Simply remove the peels from the fruit and place them on a  baking tray covered with baking paper  , turn on the  oven to 100 degrees and let them dry for about eight hours.

Although the process is quite long, you get a result that is just as good as drying them in the sun. After the banana peels have dried, put them in a blender to reduce them to powder. Once you have it, you can use it as a fertilizer for plants.

How to use fertilizer obtained from banana peel.

Using fertilizer made from dried banana peels is easy. In fact, you just need to  spread some banana powder over the roots of your plants  or  sprinkle it on the soil.

Then, just water  and the plants will absorb the fertilizer and all its properties will act effectively to make them grow lushly.

If you don’t use all of the powdered fertilizer, don’t worry, you can store it in a jar and use it when needed, and it will be ready to use.

As you can see, drying banana peels is very easy and you get an  excellent natural fertilizer without spending anything!