
No more disease and ruined crops on tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers – this one kitchen ingredient is all you need to protect them!

By Lesia

This organic fertilizer also acts as an antioxidant.

Turmeric has been traditionally used in cooking and Ayurvedic medicine for its medicinal properties.

However, research has shown that this spice may also be beneficial for plants.

One of its key properties is its ability to act as an antioxidant.

Plants are exposed to free radicals that can damage cells and cause stress in plant tissues.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has antioxidant properties that help plants combat this stress and protect them from the damaging effects of free radicals .

Turmeric stimulates plant growth and increases its resistance to stress .

It will protect plants from harmful microorganisms and can also inhibit the growth of some disease-causing bacteria in plants, which will help protect them from developing diseases.

In addition, turmeric can also improve soil quality by adding nutrients to help plants grow, develop and bear fruit better.

You can also add it to the soil, for example when repotting a plant, or mix it with water and spray the resulting solution on the plants. 

You can also make liquid compost .


1 teaspoon turmeric

1 l of water


Sprinkle a teaspoon of turmeric in the water.

Move thoroughly.

Then let the solution sit overnight.

Then strain it with the cloth.

And use to water the plants.

This liquid fertilizer can be applied to tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, kale, lettuce, spinach and other crops.

Turmeric has a positive effect on plant development.

That’s why you should give them this cheap and effective fertilizer .

Other uses of turmeric in the garden

Ant repellent

If there are a lot of ants in the garden, they can be considered pests because they destroy crops.

In addition,  the appearance of ants in the garden can be a harbinger of the arrival of aphids, which are literally destroyers of plants and live in symbiosis with ants  .

Ants seem to be especially sensitive to the smell of turmeric.


If you want to protect your plants from ants, just pile them up around them.

There is no need to overdo it, even a small amount is enough.

Control of soil pests

You can get rid of soil pests, especially fungal root rot, by using 1 tablespoon of turmeric per 4 liters of soil or so.

It can be mixed with the soil at any time during transplanting.

You can also mix it with water at a rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water  .

Healing the wounds of trees

Just like humans, trees and plants can have wounds, they can be susceptible to various types of diseases and infections,

especially to fungal rot.

Thanks to its natural  antiseptic and antibacterial properties  , turmeric is also a natural remedy for curing various types of plant injuries.

You can make a turmeric paste with turmeric, which you mix with a little water and apply on the wounds.

This treatment can also be applied after cutting the shoots.


It is also used for grafting and when the plant is exposed to harmful external factors.

Treatment of rose diseases

Rose dieback is a disease that often affects rose bushes.

The tip of the rose stem or branch turns brown or black, which then moves downwards towards the graft and can engulf the entire plant, causing its death.

In fact, this is a fairly common problem that probably every rose grower has encountered.

Applying turmeric paste helps to stop the spread of disease and stem death.

Root growth stimulator

Although not an explicit rooting agent, turmeric can help and increase the chances of rooting.

This is mainly due to the antimicrobial and antifungal effects .

Pesticide spray

Turmeric itself can be used to treat several fungal diseases.

It also kills pests such as powdery mildew. 

For small fungal and powdery mildew spots, you can mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric in 1 liter of water.

Remove and apply to affected parts of the plant using a sprayer.