
Pour some salt into the toilet, wait and then enjoy the result!

By Lesia

Have you ever heard of using  salt in the bathroom  ? This is a very particular practice, which at first glance might seem absurd, but it is not. Salt, in fact, manages to eliminate many germs and bacteria present in the toilet and is presented as a very valid alternative to vinegar and baking soda. Let’s see why.

Salt in the bath: what is it for?

According to many women who have been using toilet bowl salt   for a long time, it can even be more effective in cleaning the toilet bowl than other natural products. It may seem like a waste, but it is not. Salt performs a very similar function to baking soda and white vinegar: it not only  disinfects  , but it also manages to whiten the walls of the toilet bowl.

Recent studies have shown that a large number of very dangerous bacteria can grow and proliferate inside the toilet bowl   : above all staphylococci. This bacteria is incredibly resistant to antibiotics. But we also find  norovirus  , Escherichia coli and even  Shigella  . It is rarer than a virus, but it cannot even be ruled out that in some cases it can even cause Ebola.

Clean and whiten the bathroom.

Not only for cooking, but salt can be especially useful for cleaning and  whitening our toilet bowl  . In fact, many people have been using salt for some time to remove grease residue from pans and pots. Its absorption and degreasing capacity is now well known.

It’s crazy to see how, unlike many other  chemical products  on the market, salt actually performs a really effective function for our toilet. In addition to not being harmful to the environment.

How to proceed? Simply pour the appropriate amount of salt into the toilet, wait for it to serve its purpose and then you can immediately notice the result. You may also need  100-150 grams of salt  – no more! Be careful to spread the salt everywhere, then let it sit for at least 2-3 hours. At this point, we flush the toilet and we can notice a unique shine!

Salt in the bath: other tips

If the dirt is really very stubborn, we can also decide to leave the salt in the toilet bowl overnight and flush the next morning. In addition to leaving the toilet shiny and disinfected, keep in mind that bad smells will also be eliminated! Already after the first attempt you can notice the difference.