
Orange peels and flour: this trick saved my grandmother a lot of money!

By Lesia

Orange peels and flour: this trick saved my grandmother a lot of money!

How useful can  grandma’s little tricks be  to take care of our home in the best possible way? In particular, there are a number of absolutely simple tricks that we can use to better preserve our food stored in the  pantry  . Among them, we find  flour  : we are talking about a product that, especially for us Italians, is essential and frequently used on a daily basis. In fact, many families prepare  pizzas, focaccias and bread  practically every day. Bread making is an excellent hobby, as well as an operation to be able to obtain fresh and tasty products at any time; just think that, in some cases, bread and pizzas can also be frozen and reused later. However,  flour  is also particularly exposed to attack by insects that affect its structure; this is because it is very appetizing and remains in the pantry for months. How to defend yourself? With  orange peel  ! Read on to find out more.

Orange peels and flour: here’s how to make it!

Among the various  techniques  passed down by our grandmothers to better protect flour, we find  orange peels.  We are talking about an eco-sustainable, 100% natural, effective and above all economical remedy. Flour, as we mentioned, often requires conservation for several months and therefore the pantry must be adequately protected. Insects of various species like it and we may find ourselves in the situation of wanting to prepare something, but notice that our flour is no longer useful.The problem with  leaving flour in the pantry for long periods of time  is that it can attract many insects. The solution, however, as we have mentioned, can be very simple. We use orange peels after using some and place them near the flour packets. The strong  smell  of the latter, especially thanks to the presence of limonene, can scare away a series of insects that are harmful to the flour and to our entire pantry. This natural repellent is capable of being effective against many insects, it must be said, however, that the peels must be replaced every 2-3 days to ensure that they are fully effective.

Obviously, if we realize that we are under “attack,” or that there is an ongoing infestation, then we must proceed to throw away all the food and open packages stored in the pantry. Afterwards, we thoroughly clean the shelves and perhaps use vinegar and bicarbonate. Only then will we be absolutely certain of a safe space.