
Cut a rose bush + aloe leaf, combine them and the result will surprise you

By Lesia
  1. Choose materials:
  • Gather a healthy rose stem, sharp scissors, soil, rooting hormone (optional), and a suitable container.
  1. Prepare the cut:
  • Cut a stem with 5-6 leaf nodes, remove the flowers and make an angled cut below a node.
  1. Trim and prepare:
  • Trim the stem to 10-15 cm, remove the lower leaves and dip the end in rooting hormone.
  1. Plant and nurture:
  • Plant the stem in well-drained soil, make sure the nodes are below the soil line and cover it with plastic to maintain moisture.
  1. Create a mini greenhouse:
  • Cover the cut with plastic to maintain moisture and place it in a warm, bright place, but away from direct sunlight.
  1. Root development and transplant:
  • After 6-8 weeks, transplant the cutting into a larger pot or into the garden once the roots are established.
  1. Care and maintenance:
  • Water regularly, provide sunlight, feed with balanced fertilizer, prune and protect from pests.
  1. Celebrate success:
  • Enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing new life and share your success with others.