
Never put these vegetables in the freezer: few people know this

By Lesia

Never put these vegetables in the freezer: few people know this

When you buy vegetables at the market and take them home, you need to be very careful about their storage.  Vegetables  are different from each other, therefore, not all of them are stored in the same way. For example, some should be placed in the refrigerator immediately, while others should be left at room temperature. There are also some vegetables that can be frozen and others that are best avoided. To find out more, follow our tips and discover  how to store your vegetables correctly.

How do you store vegetables?

Each vegetable has its own characteristics, therefore, the preservation methods are different. As we mentioned above,  some can be refrigerated or frozen, while others cannot . If you decide to store vegetables at room temperature, you should know that in any case  the temperature should not be too hot or too humid. Storage  depends on the type of vegetables you buy. For example,  if you buy fresh vegetables that are easily perishable, we recommend that you put them in the refrigerator immediately and consume them in  a short time. Store them in the appropriate drawers in the refrigerator so as not to alter their properties.

If you buy fresh vegetables that you don’t plan to eat right away, you can freeze them . The low temperatures of the freezer help stop the spoilage process, keeping the vegetables unchanged for longer. In this case, however, you have to be careful, as not all vegetables can be frozen.

These are the vegetables you can freeze

When you buy a lot of vegetables or perhaps pick them from your garden, you can easily freeze them to preserve them for longer. For optimal freezing, you will want to  chop all your  vegetables and greens into small pieces, divide them into portions, and place them in the freezer. Separating vegetables into portions is a very convenient and practical operation that will serve you particularly well when you go to defrost them. However, as we said , not all vegetables can be frozen.  For example, among those that you should never put in the freezer are  lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, and radishes.

These products, being very rich in water, are not worth freezing at all. By putting these foods in the freezer,  you risk altering their organoleptic properties . For example, if you try to freeze salad you will find that once defrosted, it will completely lose its original texture.

In any case, we recommend storing your vegetables in the refrigerator in a cool place, especially if you have to be away from home for a few days.