
The foolproof and cost-free trap to capture mosquitoes and insects that invade your home

By Lesia

Make the foolproof mosquito trap without spending money, you have everything you need at home. Here’s what you need and how to do it, all the details below.

cutting bottles
Insects, and mosquitoes in particular, are really annoying. Especially with the arrival of warm weather, they start to appear, causing a nuisance especially at night. Disinfestation is important, but so is the installation of mosquito nets to prevent insects from entering the house.

Then there are some remedies that can be used and there are also several natural ones to avoid buying chemical insecticides. Among the most common ones there is certainly coffee, hated by mosquitoes, both in grain and powder form, lemon and vinegar, because of its smell that they cannot tolerate.

Today, however, we are going to look at a different method that can help you sleep peacefully without having to fight mosquitoes all night. It is a repellent that you can make at home with products that you almost certainly already have available in your pantry. Let’s see how to make it below.

Mosquito trap: it is foolproof
As we said, mosquitoes are very annoying and we have to live with the increase in temperature. On this occasion we will not use the classic citronella repellent , always very effective, but an equally valid alternative that you can prepare at home in a few minutes.

To create this mosquito trap you will need: sugar, water, yeast, a plastic bottle, a plastic bag and some adhesive tape . By mixing all these ingredients we will obtain a really effective mixture to fight mosquitoes and keep them away from our body.

foolproof mosquito trap
First you will need to take the plastic bottle and cut it off about a few inches below where the cap is positioned. After cutting it, place the part with the cap inside the bottom of the bottle. Tape the two parts of the bottle together to secure it.

Now start preparing the mosquito repellent mixture. Take a glass of water and add 50 g of sugar and a tablespoon of yeast. Mix all the ingredients and pour the mixture into the bottle you have modified. Cover it with a dark cloth or a dark plastic bag and place it wherever you want.

Mosquito trap
The contact between the brewer’s yeast and the sugar present in the water creates a substance that attracts mosquitoes. It is a chemical reaction that generates carbon dioxide. This is produced inside the bottle and rises through the funnel created, attracting mosquitoes.

However, once mosquitoes enter the trap they will no longer be able to get out and, above all, reproduce. This system is very effective but it must be changed frequently because the plastic of the bottles is very thin . In fact, it is advisable to use the bottle more frequently and change it approximately every 20 days.

If you want to discover another method to stop seeing mosquitoes in your house, here we offer you a very natural remedy .