
Goodbye to humidity in drawers and cupboards, how to fix it in a jiffy

By Lesia

Humidity in the home is a problem that many people have to deal with on a daily basis  . Especially on cold winter days when you can’t ventilate your home enough. But it’s not just about the rooms, as closed drawers, such as dressers or wardrobes, also absorb moisture.

In this case, you have to be careful and open and ventilate, otherwise you will find yourself with a build-up of humidity and the risk of mold forming. As we have just said,  small spaces almost always have a risk of mold forming and that is why we should try to avoid it  .

The first step is probably to air it out regularly, but that is not enough  . In fact, humid air is a source of bacteria that you can only breathe but that penetrate the fabrics of your clothes, leaving unwanted odours.  There are various methods to remove moisture and prevent bad odours  from clothes when they are stored inside the wardrobe for too long.

Now we will look at some methods to permanently eliminate moisture from the closet but also from drawers.  We will talk about completely natural remedies  that involve the use of natural products that you will usually find in your home pantry.

Here’s how to remove moisture from your closet – the natural way.

As we said, humidity in the wardrobe is a serious problem because, in addition to leaving bad smells, it penetrates the clothes inside. But not only because, in the most serious cases, they can also rot, especially when you have not opened the wardrobe for months and months and the house is especially humid.

One of the most effective alternatives for removing moisture from the closet is undoubtedly baking soda  . Indeed, the latter has anti-odour properties and is often used to absorb bad odours, but it is also commonly used diluted in water to clean furniture, sanitary ware and floors.

Among the many properties, as we have said, is that of eliminating odors and then also absorbing humidity  . A completely natural remedy and also at a very low cost. Putting it on is really simple. First of all, simply  empty the closet and clean it with water and baking soda  .

Once dry, you can put all your clothes back inside, also placing  a small bowl of baking soda inside the closet  . The humidity will decrease and you will definitely notice the difference. From time to time, however, you should remember to change the baking soda in the bowl.

Other natural methods against humidity in the closet

Baking soda is not the only remedy. In fact,  there are other, always natural, remedies that are equally   effective  . Below we will look at some of them:

  • Baby powder  : it is very effective against humidity and you just need to sprinkle it in the closet to spread its fantastic aroma. You can sprinkle it on the shelves or put it in small bowls.
  • Cornstarch  – This helps retain moisture in small spaces and is great for this. Simply fill a small bowl and place it on each shelf in the closet.
  • Rice  : This also retains moisture. In this case, it is not advisable to spread the rice in the cupboard, but simply place it in a small bowl or organza bag combined with a few drops of essential oil. This way, you will absorb the moisture and perfume your closet.