
Eggshells: Soak them in hot water and then use them like this. they are very precious

By Lesia

If you consume a lot of eggs during the day, it’s really a shame to waste the shells by throwing them in the trash.

By doing so, you waste a good opportunity to recycle, protect the environment and save some money.

To reuse them, you should immerse them in hot water.

But first let’s go in order!

egg shells soak in water egg shells 1

Whatever dish you prepare with eggs, you can easily recover the shells to take care of your plants.

In fact, eggshell can be used, following some indications, as a natural fertilizer for plants.

This is precisely why you can decide to recover the peels by simply grinding them finely and then adding them to your plants’ soil. You can also use the ground husks around plant roots as mulch. This is because the peels are considered essential for the growth and development of plants and roots due to their high calcium content.

In fact, eggshells contain 93% calcium and 1% nitrogen, which are vital for healthy soil.

In addition to this, they manage to maintain a correct pH balance in the soil.

However, before grinding them, and therefore before using them, you must first clean and sterilize them thoroughly so that no type of fungus or bacteria grows.

Clearly you should not add too much to the soil because it could damage it.

After this introduction you are ready to discover the trick that will make eggshells even more precious.

soak eggshells in water ground eggshells

Eggshells: Soak them in hot water and use them like this.
Before using eggshells you must necessarily wash them and let them dry for no less than 24 hours. After a day they can be crushed so that many pieces are obtained to insert in the garden, flower beds and vases.

In this way the plants will be able to absorb a lot of energy, thanks to the high percentage of calcium that the peels contain. Also, if you usually make compost at home, you can add the ground peels without any problem.

But it is good to remember that there are other methods that can be used. One method, which is foolproof, is the one in which water must be used to help the plant grow stronger and healthier.

To do this, many gardeners use a trick unknown to most people and that now you will also know.

You simply need to boil an eggshell. Then you can use the water obtained to water the plants. Obviously you can water both ornamental and aromatic and medicinal plants.

Later, also in this case, it is possible to recover the shells and crush them and then add them to the soil.

Easy, right? Remember that boiling eggshells also kills any fungi and/or bacteria found on the shell. This way you can help the plants in the safest way possible.

Boiling the shells in water also means dissolving their mineral salts and calcium present so they can be added to the plants without wasting a drop.

Now that you’ve discovered how precious eggshells can be, all you have to do is take care of your plants in the best way possible.

You will see that you will not throw them in the trash again.