
Unclog the sink in just a few minutes: the foolproof and ecological method

By Lesia

Don’t resort to  chemical solutions  that corrode your pipes! Don’t waste spending twice as much money on buying them first and having a plumber intervene to repair the damage later!

Even improvising  like a handyman,  reaching under the sink with spanners, screwdrivers and pliers, cannot be considered a winning solution – there is no need to dismantle or open the pipes! And don’t worry, you won’t need  suction cups.  In short, we will reveal to you a truly foolproof method to overcome the problem, without getting involved, without even having to face the horrifying spectacle  of dirt coming to the surface…

A natural chemical solution that, by reacting gently  but  effectively  ,  will ensure that your  clogs are clear and clean in no time  … Curious? Let’s get started!

6 things you should NEVER throw down the sink!

First of all, it is worth remembering what you  should NEVER pour down  the sink drain, not even accidentally:

  1. Coffee grounds:   Although there is a common belief that they can clean pipes, they actually cause serious problems because they compact together, forming a solid plug.
  2. Eggshells  : Fragments end up stuck to other fragments, forming tangles that are difficult to remove with running water.
  3. Apple core:   Fruit stems and plant filaments, even though they are biodegradable, do not slide down the drains, but accumulate in terrible clumps.
  4. Animal and vegetable fats:  leftover chicken, pork, rabbit meat, fat and nerves solidify, preventing water from passing through. Cheese, frying oils and leftover fats are major pollutants and harmful to the health of fish and the waters in which they end up at the end of the race.
  5. Flour  : does not dissolve in liquids, on the contrary, it thickens inexorably forming stubborn obstructions.
  6. Hair and fur  : Even shaving your hair, not just your hair, is dangerous because it gets tangled in ever more cumbersome tangles.

Unclogging the sink: the foolproof solution.

Here’s what to do if, despite your best efforts, your sink is blocked.

Get it:

  • coarse salt,  150 g
  • baking  soda  ,  100 g
  • white vinegar,  100ml
  • boiling water,  500 ml.

All ingredients must be added one at a time, you will not have to mix them.

In a saucepan, heat  the water  and bring it to  the boil,  then  turn off the gas  and set aside. Remove the  pop-up  and fill the  well  completely with  coarse salt.  Wait for it to settle along the pipes, then add all the  bicarbonate.

Use a spoon to check that it is  evenly distributed over the salt  . Both should still be visible and  sticking out  of the  well.  Now pour in the   white  vinegar , a powerful chemical reaction  will take place   , producing an effervescent foam   Let it evaporate completely, then add the water which will now be only hot, not boiling to  avoid thermal shock in the joints.  Wait for it to penetrate the pipes, dissolving the salt, which in turn will capture the dirt and remove it permanently. If the first attempt does not completely clean the sink, repeat the operation until it is completely free… And breathe a long sigh of relief! It ALWAYS works! Guaranteed!