
Eliminate whiteflies, aphids, scale insects: these 3 kitchen ingredients are enough

By Lesia

Only 3 ingredients to eliminate whiteflies, aphids and scale insects that are found directly in the kitchen.

If a  plant is attacked by whiteflies  , scale insects and aphids, immediate action must be taken. The secret lies in 3 main ingredients that can be the real alternative to chemicals rich in preservatives. Most of the time, plants are exposed to the attack of parasites of this type, that is why experts reveal a little secret, to be able to save plants in a fast and targeted way. What are these ingredients and how are they used?

Plant parasites, how to combat them?

There are many plant parasites and, in most cases, they settle on the leaves or the trunk. There are  whiteflies, scale insects and then aphids.

The latter are black, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap. There is nothing better for them  to grow and reproduce.

Their main objective is to take all the  sap they find in the plant  , until it is completely weakened and leads to certain death. In addition, aphids, like whiteflies, multiply quickly. You must be careful and intercept them until reproduction is blocked.

Whatever the type of plant parasite, identifying it is never easy because the  size is minimal  .

3 ingredients to eliminate dangerous plant parasites

Experienced nurserymen  are well aware of the risks that can be associated with a direct attack by plant parasites. However, there are methods that can be considered to completely counteract them. It is not necessary to use chemical products with preservatives that are harmful to the environment – and to the plant itself – but rather a set of ingredients. The homemade product against  plant parasites  is composed of these 3 ingredients plus others that enhance its effectiveness:

  • laundry detergent;
  • White wine vinegar;
  • Cinnamon powder or stick for grating;
  • 3 liters of natural water.

At this point all the ingredients will have to be brought together to form a single substance, to eliminate all types of  parasites from the plants  .

In the container with three liters of water, add three tablespoons of laundry detergent, a glass of white wine vinegar and then  3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon  . If you wish, you can add baking soda and rosemary to improve the formulation.

Once obtained, you can act in two ways, spraying the substance directly onto the leaves with the help of a spray bottle or rubbing them with cotton  soaked in this substance.