
This is how the most powerful natural descaler is prepared. You won’t have to scrub anymore

By Lilias

Paulina Cocina

Decalcifying pans and pots  that turn practically black after many uses is not always an easy job.

Of course, among the supermarket shelves you can buy products that can help you clean your pan again. However,  these products on the market are chemical products  that in the long run can harm your health and also the environment around you.

To avoid this unpleasant epilogue, and also save a little money, you can  prepare a really effective natural descaling mixture right at home .

You will only need very few ingredients, which you already have in your kitchen, and  your pan will be as clean and shiny as  if it were new.

To find out what you need to do to  create this powerful descaler,  just keep reading this page. You will not regret!

The most powerful natural descaler: do it with these ingredients. It’s that easy!

As mentioned above, making this  descaler  is actually very easy and affordable for everyone. Believe me: even the least experienced housewives will be able to achieve the perfect result.

In order to complete this  DIY job,  you do not need to do any kind of strange or overly complicated procedures. You just have to follow the  following instructions .

First of all, you need to get what you need.

Use these  ingredients :

  • 1 level tablespoon of salt
  • Liquid detergent to taste
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • half a glass of white vinegar
  • Paper towels or paper towels

Now all you have to do is roll up your sleeves and start cleaning.


To make this natural descaler so that your pan is as good as new, you must follow these simple steps carefully.

Sprinkle 1 level tablespoon of  salt on the embedded bottom  and then place a tablespoon of  baking soda . After that, add  some dish soap  on   top and spread it over the surface.

Then cover the result with paper towels and then pour half a glass  of white vinegar  over it.

Now let it sit for half an hour, so that it can act correctly on the scale of the pot. After that, simply remove the napkins and rinse.

The result will ultimately be a pan so clean that it will look like it was just purchased.

You will see that the result of this  completely natural  descaling mixture will be very effective.

Try it and you will use this remedy whenever you need it.

All you have to do is retrieve all the useful ingredients and start descaling your pots and pans without any effort.

Cleaning and descaling your kitchen utensils will now be a breeze!

Happy cleaning everyone!

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