
How to care for an Anthurium plant so it grows well and blooms

By Lesia

1- Light and Temperature: Place your Anthurium near a sunny window but protected from direct light. It prefers warm temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius, but can adapt well to the indoor environment. Avoid temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius to prevent the leaves from turning yellow.
2- Watering: Keep the soil slightly moist, but allow it to dry out between waterings. Make sure the pot has good drainage by placing a 5cm layer of stones on the bottom to prevent the roots from rotting.
3- Substrate and Fertilization: Use a mixture of peat, pine bark and perlite for the substrate. It is not necessary to fertilize frequently; once every six months is sufficient.
4- Pest Control: Check regularly for pests such as aphids and scales. You can use mild insecticidal soaps if necessary, or simply wipe the leaves and stems with a damp cloth to avoid using chemicals.
Anthurium is an impressive plant that, with proper care, can live and bloom for a long time in your home.