
Encrustations and stains on pans, how to remove them easily without detergent

By Lesia

Food residue   ,  grease  and  burnt stains  can be a real  nightmare  when you have to wash   kitchen  utensils . But that doesn’t mean you have to spend endless minutes  and make a lot of  effort  to  remove the scale  . There are some  home tricks  that will allow you  to remove scale  from  pans  in a  natural  ,  fast  and  economical way  . Let’s see how.

Why it is important to remove scale and stains from pans

Removing  residue  ,  stains  and  scale  from  your kitchen pans  is essential, first of all, to  maintain hygiene  , but also to  prolong the life  of your  pans  . As well as containing  bacteria and food residue  that can affect  food safety  ,  scale  can cause  damage  to  your pans  and make  subsequent cleaning difficult  . But don’t  worry  : there are  ingredients  that will allow you  to remove scale  in the blink of an eye.

Baking soda and vinegar to remove scale

These are two  substances  that are very famous for their  cleaning and degreasing power  . To  remove scale  from  pans  using  vinegar and baking soda  , simply pour a little vinegar  into  the  pan  to be descaled and then  heat it up  . Once the  vinegar  is  hot  , you can  turn off the gas  and  pour  two tablespoons of baking soda into the pot  .

Removing scale from pans.

At this point, our  degreasing mixture  will need a few  hours  to act. In the meantime, it will have  cooled down  and we can move on to the  actual cleaning  . Next, with a  soft sponge,  we proceed to  scrub  the inside of the  pan  . It is advisable to choose a  soft  , non-aggressive sponge, avoiding the use of  a scouring pad  , because the latter could  scratch the pan.

Thanks to the work of the  vinegar  and  the bicarbonate  , the  incrustations  will be  softer  and we will not have to make much  effort  to  remove them  . This  method  is also effective for removing  burnt stains from the  bottom  of pots.

Remove scale with citric acid.

Citric acid  is an effective  detergent  with  anti-scale properties  , making it a  truly effective remedy  for  removing scale  from pans. To use it,  fill  a saucepan with  water  and  pour  a citric acid solution into it   Generally, as for the  dosage  , you can adjust by combining  150 g of citric acid  with  one litre of  freshly heated water.

Even in this case, the  degreasing solution  needs to  sit for a few hours  , even better if  left overnight  . During these hours, the  citric acid  will make the  scales  softer and, once  we clean them  with a  sponge  , they will come off much  more  easily  . However, pay attention to the  material of which the scaled surface to be cleaned  is made   : it is not appropriate to use  citric acid  on  natural stone  or  marble surfaces  .

Lemon to degrease pans

A natural degreaser  par excellence,  lemon will add a fragrant  touch   to the cleaning of your  pans  . Its use is also very  simple  : pour  water  into the  pan  to  degrease  and add the  lemon juice.

Removing scale from pans.

This  remedy  is not a  waste  : we can also add  lemon peels  to this  degreasing solution.  Then, we will  boil  everything. When the water  boils  ,  turn off  the heat and let it  cool  . After that, we can move on to  mechanical cleaning  using a  sponge  .

A  variant  of using  water  involves using  coarse salt  . To  degrease  encrusted pans  in this way, simply sprinkle  coarse salt  on the surface to be  degreased  , add  lemon juice  and  wait  the time required for the  solution to act.

Removing scale and stains from pans with Marseille soap

Lovers  of simplicity  will be happy to discover this  method  . In fact, to  degrease  encrusted pans  ,  all you need  is water and soap. As long as it is  Marseille soap  . How to do it? Simple, we will have to  fill  the pan with  water  , add a little  Marseille soap  and  boil it  .

The  high temperature  of the boiling water  will act  together with the  degreasing power  of the  Marseille soap  , causing the  incrustations  to disappear on  their own  . For a  perfect result  , after letting   the solution  act  and  cool, we can remove the water  and  clean  the surface with a  sponge  , to remove even  the smallest traces  of dirt.

Like  lemon  ,  Marseille soap  has the advantage of being particularly  scented  , so it will not only help  remove scale  from  pans  , but will also eliminate  bad odours.