
The most powerful natural repellent to immediately eliminate all insects from your home

By Lesia

Insects, whether mosquitoes, flies or anything else, are very annoying, especially when they enter our homes  . With the arrival of warm weather, they start to appear even more. High temperatures favor their increase and with these then we start to keep the windows open and thus there are more possibilities of them entering the house.

There are many remedies and repellents on the market, but most of them are chemical and the smell is very annoying.  You should know, however, that it is also possible to create natural repellents with simple products that you may already have at home  . In fact, you most likely won’t have to buy anything.

insects in the house

In fact,  we will now see how to make a natural homemade repellent with simple products and in a very short time  . In this way, you will get rid of the annoying insects present in the house both day and night. Below you will find everything you need to know about how to make this repellent.

Homemade natural repellent: how to make it

As we said, we are going to make a natural insect repellent at home. It is simple and does not take much time. It will be a kind of air freshener but also useful to keep insects away from the house.  Below we will see how to do it in just a few steps.

First you will need some coarse salt  , about a glass. Choose the largest one you can find on the market because it is the base of this repellent that we are going to make.  Then you will need 1 teaspoon of cloves and a tablespoon of alcohol diluted to 70%  . Finally you need  half a glass of fabric softener  , the one with the aroma that you prefer.


Next, you will need a plastic tray or a plastic or glass container to put everything in  . Start by pouring the coarse salt into a bowl and then add a tablespoon of alcohol. Now add the half cup of fabric softener and then mix everything together. You can use a spoon to help mix everything well.

If you find that the solution you are mixing is too liquid, add more salt. Then pour everything into the container you provided.  Distribute it well, leveling everything, and now take the cloves.  As we said, you need a teaspoon. You will have to put them on top of the solution you have already poured.

natural insect repellent

At this point, the solution, the natural repellent, is ready and you can place it near the window, near the counter or in places where you notice there are many insects. The smell will not be bothersome for you but it will be very annoying for the insects, which will keep them away from your home.

Cloves in particular are perfect for getting rid of unwanted insects  . In fact, it is one of the oldest methods since many of them do not tolerate the smell. They are easily found in most supermarkets or well-stocked herbalists. The price is low and does not exceed a few euros.