
The natural trick to speed up plant growth and keep pests away

By Lesia

Milk is a food rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It can be surprisingly used in the garden as a fertilizer, as a pesticide or to clean your tools. Let’s see how!

  • as a fertilizer

Thanks to its high calcium content, milk can be used as a natural fertilizer.

It is especially suitable for plants that tend to rot, such as courgettes, tomatoes and peppers.

It is also better to use whole, cold milk, as it is more nutritious.

To make milk fertilizer, use a bottle and mix equal parts milk and water.

Mix, then pierce the bottle cap and use to water your plants.

In addition, according to some experts, milk is an excellent foliar fertilizer, which allows for larger leaves and larger fruits.

  • as a pesticide

Milk can also be used as a pesticide, especially against mites, aphids and other small parasites.

According to some studies, these insects are unable to “digest” the enormous amount of sugar contained in milk, so they are eliminated naturally.

This is particularly the case when using whole milk diluted 50% with water.

  • Against plant fungi

Very often, despite our best efforts, plants can wilt and not be as resplendent as they once were!

It seems that milk can help here too. Just prepare a spray with diluted milk and spray it on the leaves.

This can help prevent the appearance of fungi and mold on plants. It is also possible to use it as an additive to other natural pesticides to facilitate their absorption.

  • For garden tools

Tools and utensils must also be stored and used properly. Too often we use chemicals and toxins to disinfect them, not knowing that we can do exactly the same with milk!

When using pruning shears or secateurs, consider soaking them in milk. This not only prevents the tools from rusting, but also naturally disinfects them.

Warnings about using milk in the garden 

Remember that it is extremely important to use milk from time to time as a natural remedy for garden maintenance.

Overuse can lead to exactly the opposite: poor plant growth, along with an unpleasant odor.