
How to Grow Celery in Reused Plastic Bottles: A Sustainable and Easy Guide

By Lesia
  1. Prepare the Bottles:
    Clean the bottles thoroughly and remove the labels.
    Cut off the top to create an opening.
    Make drainage holes in the bottom.
  2. Plant:
    Fill the bottles with potting soil, leaving room at the top.
    Plant celery seeds or place celery bottoms in the soil.
    Water the soil until moist.
  3. Placement:
    Place the bottles in areas with indirect light and cooler temperatures.
  4. Care:
    Keep the soil consistently moist.
    Apply a water-soluble fertilizer every four to six weeks.
  5. Harvest:
    Harvest the stalks from the base as needed, allowing for continued growth.
    By following these steps and providing proper care, you can grow your own celery in a sustainable and easy way, using reused plastic bottles