
Insects in the garden, 4 natural remedies to get rid of them quickly and easily

By Lesia

The  presence of bugs  in the garden and orchard can be very annoying and, in the worst case, harmful to our plants and all the fruits associated with them. There are many insects and parasites that need to be kept as far away as possible from the garden we have in our outdoor space.

The presence of these pest insects could, in fact,  compromise the regular growth of plants  and cause a lot of damage to the garden. As always, our advice will be  to never use pesticides or other chemical products  to scare away insects, parasites and bugs.

Moreover, these latter insects are also very resistant to chemicals. One more reason to avoid buying these types of products and spreading them all over plants and fruits. In fact, in the long run, insecticides will damage your garden and the entire outdoor environment. Therefore, it will be more advisable  to use natural methods  , which are more effective, safe and environmentally friendly.

Bed bugs feed on the sap present in plant tissues  and, in the long term, can seriously damage the entire garden, even causing vegetables and fruits to change their taste. This is something that should always be avoided.

Below we will help you discover  4 very effective and advantageous natural methods to eliminate the presence of annoying bugs in your garden  . Here you will find everything you need to know about this topic.

4 natural remedies against garden bugs

Like most insects,  bed bugs also wake up in the warmer months of the year  . Spring and summer, therefore, will be the times of the year when you may have to deal with the problem of the presence of bugs in the garden and vegetable garden. As mentioned, they feed on the sap and fruits of plants, causing serious dangers to their health. There are, however,  several natural solutions to combat their presence  .

The first method involves  monitoring the general situation  . If you notice that many bugs are proliferating in your garden, you will have to proceed manually. It will be essential to block the first pairs of bed bugs that reproduce and then start laying their eggs.

These eggs  can be deposited on plants. Checking the situation carefully and  manually removing this presence  could be the first method to put into practice when faced with a small problem in the garden. In fact, the damage is caused by a large number of bugs. Therefore, when these insects are present in limited numbers, it will be possible to prevent them from posing a serious danger.

Another natural method to effectively combat the presence of bed bugs is the use of  neem oil  . What is it? Let’s find out all the details about this product and also other  natural methods to effectively solve the problem  .

The other solutions

Neem oil  is a vegetable oil extracted from an exotic plant from the Indian and tropical subcontinent. It has remarkable moisturizing properties for the human body, but not only. In fact, it can be used effectively not only in the aesthetic and cosmetic field, but also in that of our garden. Indeed, neem oil also has remarkable  antiparasitic properties  .

Placing this neem oil on the plants  will block the development of insects  and will take away their “desire” to feed on the sap and fruits. A completely natural alternative to the use of dangerous insecticides. It will be important to spray this oil on the plants during the afternoon hours.

The third natural method involves the use of neem oil on plants, but combined with a  mild potassium soap  . This product, in fact, will also be completely  harmful to bedbugs  , which will be neutralized and exterminated in a short time.

It will be possible to use mild potassium soap even if it is not combined with neem oil. It will then be important to repeat the treatment very frequently. In a spray bottle, you will need to put  about 15-20 ml of mild potassium soap in one litre of water  .

Are you curious to discover  the latest natural method  we offer to combat the presence of bugs in the garden? You will need a special element, specifically a white rock powder, called  kaolin  . You will have to dissolve a quantity of  200 ml of kaolin  in approximately 5 liters of water  .

This natural product  increases the immune defenses of all the products in your garden  , from tomatoes to eggplants and peppers. It will be important to distribute this mixture evenly throughout all the plants, to keep bugs away.