
33 Gardening Hacks That Will Help You More Than You Think

By Lesia

Gardening is more than just a hobby. It’s an art that requires patience, know-how, and a little green magic. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned gardener, these 33 gardening tips will help you create a lush, thriving space. 1. Use eggshells to enrich the soil  Crushed eggshells are rich in calcium, ideal for plant growth. 2. Keep slugs away with coffee grounds  Slugs hate coffee grounds, so it’s a great natural repellent. 3. Create an automatic watering system with plastic bottles   Poke small holes in a plastic bottle and bury it near your plants for slow, steady watering. ad 4. Use vinegar to keep weeds away   Spray vinegar on weeds to kill them naturally. 5. Soak the seeds before planting  This stimulates germination and gives your plants a good start. 6. Create compost to enrich the soil   Turn kitchen waste into a powerful natural fertilizer. 7. Use banana peels as fertilizer  Banana peels are rich in essential nutrients. 8. Protect your plants with crushed eggshells  Create a natural barrier against snails and slugs. 9. Use pepper to keep animals away Sprinkle pepper around plants to deter pests. 10. Grow herbs to repel insects   Mint, basil and lavender naturally repel insects. 11. Use plastic bottles as mini greenhouses   Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle and place it over a young plant to protect it. 12. Keep birds away with shiny CDs   Hang shiny CDs to scare away birds and protect your crops. 12. Reuse egg cooking water to water plants  Egg cooking water is rich in beneficial minerals. 13. Place pieces of chalk in acidic soil   Chalk neutralizes the acidity of the soil. 14. Use citrus peels as a repellent  Citrus peels repel ants and aphids. 15. Create a natural mulch with dead leaves  Dead leaves preserve soil moisture and nourish the earth over time. 16. Grow companion plants  Some plants protect each other against pests. 17. Create garden labels with sticks and rocks   An economical way to mark your plantings. 18. Use Marseille soap to keep insects away  Mix Marseille soap with water and spray on the plants. 19. Soak tomato seeds in chamomile water   This strengthens the plants’ resistance to diseases. 20. Use wood ash as fertilizer Wood ashes are rich in potash. 21. Create a vertical garden with pallets  Ideal for small spaces. 22. Use plastic cups as mini greenhouses for seedlings  The cups act as protection against the elements. 23. Water early in the morning or late in the evening   Water is better absorbed by the soil at these times. 24. Grow air-purifying plants  Some plants absorb toxic substances from the air. 25. Use coffee grounds as a cat repellent   Cats hate the smell of coffee. 26. Plant potted bulbs for a seasonal effect  Change them with the seasons. 27. Use pine bark as mulch   Pine bark retains moisture and adds aesthetics. 28. Recycle leftover tea as fertilizer   Tea leaves are rich in nutrients. 29. Grow climbing plants for natural shade   Create a shaded area with climbing plants. 30. Use plastic bottles as watering cans   Drill holes in the cap for precise watering. 31. Create a compost bin with pallets   An ecological solution to reduce waste. 32. Rotate crops: Avoid depleting the soil by changing the location of crops every year. By incorporating these simple tips into your gardening routine, you will be amazed at the transformation of your green space. Gardening becomes a rewarding experience, while respecting nature and promoting the healthy growth of your plants.