
Gas canister, with this trick it lasts you 4 months longer: stop wasting money

By Lesia

You probably don’t know the trick that will allow you to make the gas bottle last longer. If you want to know, you have to keep reading and you will see how to do it.Many have a gas stove that is most often powered by a gas bottle.  With the expensive energy, the price of this has also increased significantly and you have to be careful to dose your use well so as not to make your bottle last too long. It all depends on the size of the tank.

In fact, there are cylinders of different sizes. What we can tell you is that 1 kg of gas is consumed in one hour and so you can then do the calculations based on the size of the cylinder. Of course, we do not always cook dishes with a long preparation time and then we always have to make sure that the cylinder arrives full.

For this check and do it simply with the temperature. Indeed, the part containing the gas is colder while the empty part has a different temperature. Otherwise you will have to get a pressure gauge, there are also cheap ones on the market, and check that the LPG in the bottle is correct.  There is another reason why you can waste the gas and not make it last long enough.

Gas cartridge: use the lemon method

As we just said, in addition to checking that the gas bottle is full, you must also make sure that your burners are well cleaned.  And by cleanliness we mean not only that of the hob and grills but also that of the burners and nozzles which is essential.

In particular, these are the components from which the gas comes out. After that, the ignition of the spark burns the fuel and in this way the flame is generated that allows you to cook.  So, if these are clogged with kitchen grease, they will not work properly and could cause you to lose gas.

Cleaning them is not that difficult. First you have to remove the grates and burners. Some models do not have the nozzles right away and therefore in the case you have to equip yourself with a screwdriver to be able to unscrew it and clean it better.  Once you have everything prepared, just take a lemon.

Take a lemon and cut it in half. Go and remove any seeds present inside  then pour a few drops on the nozzle  , it can be one but also several if the burner is larger. Leave it to act for a few minutes then  take a very fine needle that you can plant inside the tip.

As you will see the nozzle will be much clearer now and you can also repeat the operation. Then pass a tissue and go and remove the excess lemon when you are done. You will probably find your tissue dirty since the lemon also dissolves the accumulated grease.

Now you can put everything back together and check that everything is working properly. This  way, the flame should come out better and adjust more easily. Now all you have to do is check if the gas bottle will last you at least four more months. All you have to do is try and believe it.