
Drinks that reduce thyroid activity 13 healthy and easy-to-prepare drinks

By Lilias

Drinks that reduce thyroid activity may be among the ways to treat hyperthyroidism at home, because hyperthyroidism causes an increase in the metabolism rate and thus burns fat in the body quickly, which causes weight loss with irregular heartbeats in addition to changing stomach movement patterns, excessive sweating, and experiencing some changes in menstruation as a result of a hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, thyroid activity can be controlled by consuming some drinks that maintain the level of hormones in the body and regulate the work of the thyroid gland.

Causes of hyperthyroidism

Thyroid activity may occur as a result of some reasons that must be paid attention to, which are:

  • Hashimoto’s disease is an immune disorder that causes inflammation of the glands and is caused by a viral infection.
  • Iodine deficiency in some foods, which affects the secretion of the thyroid gland and the level of hormones in the body in general.
  • Exposure to radiation therapy if a person has cancer causes the death of many cells in the body, which affects the functioning of hormones.

Drinks that reduce thyroid activity

There are many drinks that reduce thyroid activity, including:

Flax seeds :

This drink is one of the best drinks that reduce thyroid activity because it contains essential fatty acids that help in making hormones in an organized manner and is as follows:

  • Soak a good amount of flax seeds in a liter of water from evening to morning.
  • It is recommended to drink this drink every day in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • It is also recommended to drink this drink before dinner and lunch and continue drinking it for 10 days to feel better.


Lemon juice contains vitamin C in addition to antioxidants that weaken the activity of the thyroid gland and regulate the release of its hormones. It is prepared as follows:

  • Crush 2 large lemons with a cup of cold water and drink it sweetened with sugar as desired.
  • Or boil lemon in hot water and drink it warm. Honey can be added instead of sugar.
  • Or you can get the benefits of lemon by adding it to some juices and salads.


Although tea is a beverage that contains a small percentage of iodine, tea lovers can get a good amount of the day by drinking it more than once a day.

  • Tea is prepared by adding a spoonful of tea to a cup of boiling water.
  • Lemon can be added to tea for better benefits.


Coffee is a great drink that helps stop thyroid activity, but you should not overdo it because it contains a high percentage of caffeine.

  • Coffee is prepared by adding a tablespoon full of coffee with a cup of water.
  • Place the mixture in a coffee pot, sweeten with sugar, stir gently, and cook over low heat.

Drinks that reduce thyroid activity

Treatment of hyperthyroidism with herbs

The most prominent herbal drinks that reduce thyroid activity are the following:


Licorice is one of the herbs that reduces the spread of cancer cells and plays a major role in regulating the level of thyroid hormones.

  • Licorice is prepared by placing 200 grams of it in a liter of water.
  • We put a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate on it and leave it to soak for a while.
  • Filter the licorice through a piece of cloth to remove any impurities.
  • Drink this drink cold more than once a day as desired.

Indian costus drink:

Indian costus contains active ingredients that reduce thyroid activity and treat glandular disorders. It is prepared as follows:

  • A spoonful of Indian costus is placed in a cup of boiling water.
  • This drink is taken before a meal for best benefits.

Celery juice:

Celery juice contains antioxidants that reduce thyroid activity and treat hyperthyroidism. It is prepared as follows:

  • Wash the celery well and then soak it in an appropriate amount of water.
  • After the water changes color, it is crushed in an electric blender until it becomes juice.
  • We filter the juice with a strainer so that it is free of celery pieces and drink a cup of it every day in the morning.


Turmeric is an herb that contains a percentage of curcumin, in addition to antioxidants, which play a major role in balancing the body’s hormones.

  • Turmeric can be used to treat constipation by adding it to milk.
  • Or take boiled turmeric by adding a spoonful of it to a cup of boiling water.
  • Or it is used as a spice in foods.

Final treatment for hyperthyroidism

Among the most important drinks that reduce thyroid activity are the following:

the milk:

Milk is one of the best drinks that reduce thyroid activity because it regulates the body’s hormones in general.

  • You can benefit from drinking liquid milk directly.
  • Or eat dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, juices, etc.
  • Buffalo milk, dried or pasteurized milk can also be consumed.
  • For more benefit, milk can be added to tea or coffee.

Soy milk:

Soy milk helps cells absorb and dissolve the nutrient, thus regulating thyroid hormones. It is prepared as follows:

  • This milk is prepared by soaking half a cup of soybeans in two cups of water for a whole night.
  • Filter the mixture from the beans and peel them well. Place the soybeans in an electric blender and crush them with water.
  • Filter it through a strainer to remove the large pieces and drink a cup of it every day.

Cranberry juice:

Berries contain a percentage of iodine, which reduces the activity of the thyroid gland and makes the body’s hormones secrete in an organized manner. It is prepared as follows:

  • Place a few berries in a cup of water in a blender.
  • Add sugar to taste.

Natural treatment for overactive thyroid

Among the natural drinks that help treat hyperthyroidism are the following:

Cucumber juice :

  • Cucumber consists of 70% water and antioxidants, in addition to many elements that regulate the body’s hormones.
  • It is recommended to drink cucumber juice more than once a day because of its great ability to balance the level of thyroid hormones.
  • In addition to the ability of cucumber juice to get rid of excess toxins in the body.

Vegetable juice:

Many vegetables help reduce hyperthyroidism, such as lettuce, cucumber, celery, and watercress.

Therefore, when these vegetables are combined together in a juice, it can be relied upon to treat hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid treatment with honey

Honey is a natural product that helps reduce thyroid activity.

  • It is recommended to add honey to natural drinks or natural juices.
  • However, it should be noted that honey contains a high percentage of sugars, so diabetics should not consume it in excess.

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