
Natural juice that is full of benefits

By Lilias

In today’s world, where we are constantly exposed to toxins and stress, finding ways to detoxify our body naturally has become more important than ever. One of the most effective and delicious ways to do this is through detoxifying juices.

These juices not only help cleanse our body, but also provide a large amount of essential nutrients that strengthen our immune system and fill us with energy. Today we will teach you how to prepare a detoxifying juice that is simple to make and packed with benefits.

Benefits of Detoxifying Juice

  • Ginger : Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginger helps improve digestion, reduce bloating, and strengthen the immune system. Additionally, ginger has thermogenic effects that can help speed up metabolism and increase calorie burning.
  • Spinach : Rich in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as iron and magnesium, spinach is great for detoxifying the body and promoting heart health. Spinach also contains chlorophyll, which helps cleanse and oxygenate the blood, and fibers that promote healthy digestion and prevent constipation.
  • Lemon : High in vitamin C, lemon not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps balance the body’s pH and improve digestion. Lemon is a powerful natural detoxifier that stimulates the liver and helps eliminate toxins from the body. In addition, its antioxidant properties fight free radicals, preventing cell damage and premature aging.

How to prepare detoxifying juice


To prepare this detoxifying juice, you will need:

  • Ginger : to taste
  • Spinach : a handful
  • Lemon : one unit
  • Water : one glass


  1. Preparation of Ingredients :
    • Ginger : Peel a piece of fresh ginger and cut it into thin slices. The amount can vary depending on your taste, but it is generally recommended to use about a teaspoon of chopped fresh ginger.
    • Spinach : Wash a handful of fresh spinach well to remove any dirt.
    • Lemon : Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon. You can choose to strain the juice to avoid the seeds.
  2. Smoothie :
    • Place the ginger slices, washed spinach and lemon juice in the blender.
    • Add a glass of water to the mixture.
  3. Smoothie :
    • Blend all the ingredients at high speed until you obtain a homogeneous and smooth mixture. If you prefer a thinner consistency, you can add more water little by little.
  4. Served :
    • Once the juice is well blended, pour the mixture into a glass. If you wish, you can strain the juice to obtain a smoother texture, although it is advisable to consume it with all the pulp to take full advantage of its benefits.
    • Let it rest for 10 minutes.
    • Serve the detox juice immediately to enjoy all its fresh nutrients. You can decorate it with a lemon slice on the edge of the glass to give it an extra touch of freshness. Mix well before tasting.

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This detoxifying juice is not only a delicious way to start your day, but it also provides a powerful combination of nutrients that help cleanse the body and maintain optimal health. Dare to try it and enjoy its many benefits!