
Salt and Bay Leaf Are Worth Their Gold in the Home: Here Are Their Many Ingenious Uses

By Lesia
  1. Cleaning and Disinfecting
    Mix salt with hot water to disinfect surfaces.
    Use a bay leaf infusion to clean floors and furniture.
  2. Descaling and Deodorizing
    Sprinkle salt in the sink to descale and deodorize.
    Place bay leaves in cupboards to eliminate bad odors.
  3. Reducing Humidity
    Place bowls of salt in damp rooms to absorb moisture.
    Use bay leaf sachets to prevent moisture in drawers.
  4. Reducing Insects
    Sprinkle salt on door thresholds to keep ants away.
    Place bay leaves in pantries to repel insects.
  5. Relieving Pain
    Take a bath with salt to relieve muscle pain.
    Use a compress of bay leaves to soothe joint pain.
  6. Improved Digestion
    Add a pinch of salt to water for better digestion.
    Drink a bay leaf infusion to soothe stomach aches.