
Latest ways to get rid of ants in the house

By Lilias

Are you complaining about the spread of ants in your home? During hot weather or rainy seasons, many people discover the presence of ants inside their homes and garden areas, as ants and social insects live in colonies that may range in size from hundreds of millions of ants, depending on the species.

There are different types of ants, and the types that invade the home are the pavement ant, the tumbler ant, and the pharaoh ant.
Ants that enter the home can enter food, damage property or cause stinging bites. These little creatures can also cause damage to plants if they enter the home garden.
Dealing with ants can be very frustrating, as ant pesticides contain chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment. However, there are some natural, non-toxic ways to control ants, but they may take some time and patience, but you will get good results.

Here are the most important natural ways that will help you get rid of ants in your home or garden:

1. Cinnamon helps get rid of ants:

Cinnamon is an effective spice for repelling household ants, as its smell discourages ants from entering your home and leaving your kitchen. According to a 2014 study published in the International Journal of Scientific and Printed Research, cinnamon was found to contain oils that have positive results in repelling insects, including ants.

  • Add ¼ to ½ teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of water, soak a cotton ball in this solution and wipe the areas where ants enter or live, repeat once daily until all ants disappear. You can also place cinnamon and cloves on the ground near the places where ants enter.

2. Get rid of ants with white vinegar:

White vinegar sends a message to the ants to leave the house, because they cannot stand its strong smell, and in addition, it acts like a mask that makes them lose their direction and focus.

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water.
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Add a few drops of any essential oil and shake the bottle well.
  • Spray this solution around baseboards and other ant entry points.
  • After an hour, wipe off the ants with a damp paper towel and dispose of them.
  • Repeat once daily until the ants disappear completely.
  • This solution can also be used to clean floors, windows and surfaces to prevent ants from crawling on these surfaces.

3. Borax:
Borax is toxic and helps rid your home and garden of ants, as ants are attracted to it, and when they eat it, it eventually kills them.

  • Mix equal amounts of borax with some food scraps, and place it on a flat plate in areas where ants are present.
  • Alternatively, mix borax with granulated sugar, add enough water to get a thick syrup-like consistency, and apply this paste to areas where you see ants.
  • Another option is to make a paste of equal amounts of borax, cornmeal and a few drops of water, and apply this paste to areas where ants appear.

Note: Borax is a toxic substance, so keep it away from pets and small children.

4. Lemon is very effective in getting rid of ants:

To keep your kitchen and other areas of your home free of ants, you should use lemon, as the smell of lemon deters ants and drives them out of the house.

  • Rub some lemon juice on door sills, windowsills, and other places where ants are present.
    Another option is to put a few drops of lemon juice on a cotton ball and leave it in cabinets and other areas where ants are present.
  • Spread small slices of lemon peel around the entrances where ants might enter.
  • Use these treatments every few days until the ants are completely gone.

5. Mint has a distinctive smell to get rid of ants:

Mint is a natural insect repellent that helps get rid of ants completely, as ants hate its strong smell, which disrupts the ants’ smelling abilities so that they cannot detect food sources.

  • Add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil to a cup of water, and spray this solution on all areas where ants are present, and repeat twice daily until the ants disappear completely.
  • Sprinkle some dried mint around the house, entrances and garbage areas to repel ants.
    You can also grow mint in your home garden.

6. Cucumber peel:
Ant peel works to repel ants effectively, as ants are naturally repelled by cucumbers, because they cannot tolerate their taste. It is preferable to use bitter cucumbers to give faster results.


  • Peeling cucumber.
  • Place a piece of peel in all areas where ants are present.
  • Replace the peels with fresh ones daily.
  • Repeat as needed until the ants are completely gone.

7. Chili powder is very powerful in getting rid of ants:

Chili powder repels ants, due to the strong nature of chili that eliminates the chemical signals that ants rely on to navigate to food, colonies, and other places.

  • Sprinkle chili powder in areas where you notice ants.
  • You can also mix equal amounts of chili powder and turmeric powder and sprinkle it on the places where ants are found.

8. Dishwashing liquid:

Dishwashing liquid works as an effective ant repellent, as it helps to suffocate the ants, causing them to die.


  • Mix a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and baking soda in a cup of water, and spread this solution along the areas where ants are present.
  • Fill a spray bottle with dishwashing liquid and water, and spray the mixture on the areas where the ants are present. After a few hours, wipe off the dead ants with a damp cloth.

Important tips for home cleaning:
Do your best to keep floors, countertops, and cabinets clean and free of clutter.
Keep food containers tightly closed, especially those used to store sugar, honey, and other foods that can attract ants.
Clean up food spills immediately, especially fruit juice or sugary foods.
Make sure to cover food you leave on the kitchen counter.
Keep surfaces, windows, and furniture clean regularly.
Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink.
Keep trash cans tightly closed.

Are you complaining about the spread of ants in your home? During hot weather or rainy seasons, many people discover the presence of ants inside their homes and garden areas, as ants and social insects live in colonies that may range in size from hundreds of millions of ants, depending on the species.

There are different types of ants, and the types that invade the home are the pavement ant, the tumbler ant, and the pharaoh ant.
Ants that enter the home can enter food, damage property or cause stinging bites. These little creatures can also cause damage to plants if they enter the home garden.
Dealing with ants can be very frustrating, as ant pesticides contain chemicals that are harmful to humans and the environment. However, there are some natural, non-toxic ways to control ants, but they may take some time and patience, but you will get good results.

Here are the most important natural ways that will help you get rid of ants in your home or garden:

1. Cinnamon helps get rid of ants:

Cinnamon is an effective spice for repelling household ants, as its smell discourages ants from entering your home and leaving your kitchen. According to a 2014 study published in the International Journal of Scientific and Printed Research, cinnamon was found to contain oils that have positive results in repelling insects, including ants.

  • Add ¼ to ½ teaspoon of cinnamon to a cup of water, soak a cotton ball in this solution and wipe the areas where ants enter or live, repeat once daily until all ants disappear. You can also place cinnamon and cloves on the ground near the places where ants enter.

2. Get rid of ants with white vinegar:

White vinegar sends a message to the ants to leave the house, because they cannot stand its strong smell, and in addition, it acts like a mask that makes them lose their direction and focus.

  • Mix equal parts white vinegar and water.
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Add a few drops of any essential oil and shake the bottle well.
  • Spray this solution around baseboards and other ant entry points.
  • After an hour, wipe off the ants with a damp paper towel and dispose of them.
  • Repeat once daily until the ants disappear completely.
  • This solution can also be used to clean floors, windows and surfaces to prevent ants from crawling on these surfaces.

3. Borax:
Borax is toxic and helps rid your home and garden of ants, as ants are attracted to it, and when they eat it, it eventually kills them.

  • Mix equal amounts of borax with some food scraps, and place it on a flat plate in areas where ants are present.
  • Alternatively, mix borax with granulated sugar, add enough water to get a thick syrup-like consistency, and apply this paste to areas where you see ants.
  • Another option is to make a paste of equal amounts of borax, cornmeal and a few drops of water, and apply this paste to areas where ants appear.

Note: Borax is a toxic substance, so keep it away from pets and small children.

4. Lemon is very effective in getting rid of ants:

To keep your kitchen and other areas of your home free of ants, you should use lemon, as the smell of lemon deters ants and drives them out of the house.

  • Rub some lemon juice on door sills, windowsills, and other places where ants are present.
    Another option is to put a few drops of lemon juice on a cotton ball and leave it in cabinets and other areas where ants are present.
  • Spread small slices of lemon peel around the entrances where ants might enter.
  • Use these treatments every few days until the ants are completely gone.

5. Mint has a distinctive smell to get rid of ants:

Mint is a natural insect repellent that helps get rid of ants completely, as ants hate its strong smell, which disrupts the ants’ smelling abilities so that they cannot detect food sources.

  • Add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil to a cup of water, and spray this solution on all areas where ants are present, and repeat twice daily until the ants disappear completely.
  • Sprinkle some dried mint around the house, entrances and garbage areas to repel ants.
    You can also grow mint in your home garden.

6. Cucumber peel:
Ant peel works to repel ants effectively, as ants are naturally repelled by cucumbers, because they cannot tolerate their taste. It is preferable to use bitter cucumbers to give faster results.


  • Peeling cucumber.
  • Place a piece of peel in all areas where ants are present.
  • Replace the peels with fresh ones daily.
  • Repeat as needed until the ants are completely gone.

7. Chili powder is very powerful in getting rid of ants:

Chili powder repels ants, due to the strong nature of chili that eliminates the chemical signals that ants rely on to navigate to food, colonies, and other places.

  • Sprinkle chili powder in areas where you notice ants.
  • You can also mix equal amounts of chili powder and turmeric powder and sprinkle it on the places where ants are found.

8. Dishwashing liquid:

Dishwashing liquid works as an effective ant repellent, as it helps to suffocate the ants, causing them to die.


  • Mix a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and baking soda in a cup of water, and spread this solution along the areas where ants are present.
  • Fill a spray bottle with dishwashing liquid and water, and spray the mixture on the areas where the ants are present. After a few hours, wipe off the dead ants with a damp cloth.

Important tips for home cleaning:
Do your best to keep floors, countertops, and cabinets clean and free of clutter.
Keep food containers tightly closed, especially those used to store sugar, honey, and other foods that can attract ants.
Clean up food spills immediately, especially fruit juice or sugary foods.
Make sure to cover food you leave on the kitchen counter.
Keep surfaces, windows, and furniture clean regularly.
Don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink.
Keep trash cans tightly closed.