
Natural energy drinks that you can prepare at home to give you energy and vitality

By Lilias

If you are tired of drinking coffee and want to increase your body’s energy and vitality in a different and healthy way at the same time, we offer you a way to make some natural energy drinks yourself at home.

Energy drinks

1- Guarana drink

Guarana is used in many energy drinks and nutritional supplements. It is a natural energy booster that helps you wake up feeling full of vitality and activity. You can buy it in powder form and sprinkle it on juice. This way, you will be able to enjoy a high level of energy without adding sugars or harmful chemicals.

2- Goji berries

 This type of berries contains some natural substances that work to increase energy in the body. You can get it in liquid form and add it to food or juice. It will increase your energy and vitality, but when you buy it, make sure to buy the natural liquid so that you avoid any chemical additives to it.

3- Green tea

 It contains a very high percentage of antioxidants, and a variety of other vitamins and minerals that will make you feel alert and active. You can drink more than one cup of green tea a day or put it in a cube tray to freeze it in the form of ice cubes and add it to water. Green tea is considered one of the most important and best drinks, but do not add sugar to it.

4- Green juice

 Mix apple slices with turnips, spinach and cucumber, then pour green tea or water over the mixture and mix well. This juice will give you a boost of energy due to the very high levels of vitamins and minerals in the ingredients that help stimulate the brain and alertness.

5- Red ginseng

 This herb works to get rid of stress and fatigue, and it can also strengthen the immune system while increasing energy levels in the body, as it contains a high percentage of vitamins and minerals. It can also be found in many forms, and adding it to tea is the best way to consume it, as it has no calories and has a good taste.

6- Spirulina drink

You may have heard this name before, but you should know that spirulina is a type of algae that grows in tropical forests and is used in the manufacture of some energy drinks. You can get it in powder form and put it in juices or water. Once you eat it, you will feel energy, activity and vitality in your body.

7- Chia seeds

 Which is called in Arabic sage seeds, and it contains more Omega 3 than flax and salmon, and it also contains more calcium than a cup of milk, and it works to provide the body with a great deal of energy and vitality.

8- Eggs

 Eggs contain about six grams of protein, and they also contain a high percentage of protein, especially vitamin B, which helps improve metabolism and thus gives the body a high percentage of energy. Eating eggs gives you a degree of vitality and activity equivalent to what you get from a ton of coffee. We see that most bodybuilders drink eggs, but with the spread of diseases, we do not think this is likely, so you can eat them boiled, which is better.

9- Quinoa

 Quinoa is considered one of the most important sources of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy and vitality and combat the feeling of rapid fatigue and stress. It also contains a percentage of protein and fiber. You can add it to food, add it to mashed potatoes or roast it in coconut oil. This way, you will be able to obtain a great deal of energy, vitality and activity.

10- Watermelon

 Watermelon is one of the most important foods that work efficiently to increase energy in the body, as it contains a high percentage of natural sugars and helps to moisturize the body and feel vitality and activity. It also contains vitamins and antioxidants that are very important for the health and vitality of the body.

These natural ingredients will help you get enough energy and enjoy vitality and activity. Some may mention that there are other energy drinks that provide the body with more energy, but it is worth noting that all of these ingredients contain caffeine and other chemicals that harm the body. Therefore, the natural energy products that have been listed are considered better and more beneficial than ready-made energy drinks.