
Fish eye treatment video explaining the best natural treatment methods

By Lilias

Are you suffering from fish eye in the foot and looking for ways to treat fish eye in the foot or plantar wart? If you find a white spot that tends to yellow on your feet and resembles an eye, this may indicate that you have fish eye disease , so be careful and treat it immediately because it is contagious and highly prevalent. Fish eye, or known as plantar wart, is one of the annoying conditions that cause pain when walking. It is caused by the accumulation of dead skin in the feet and its union with the raw tissue that grows on part of the skin. It is a condition due to infection with the human papillomavirus HPV

Watch the video on treating fish eye in the foot

Causes of fish eye:

  • Wearing tight shoes without socks.
  • Neglecting to clean the feet and between the toes.
  • Using the tools of a person infected with fish eye, as it is contagious.
  • Nail biting.
  • Public swimming pool flooring.
  • Weight gain and thus increased load on the feet.
  • Contact with the skin of an infected person.
  • See here the causes and treatment of calluses .

Natural ways to treat fish eye in the foot

1- Treating fish eyes with nail polish:

This treatment may seem strange, but it is one of the most effective recipes, as applying nail polish to the fish eye forms an insulating layer on the skin, preventing air from reaching it, which will lead to the death of the infected skin cells and the virus as well.

  • Wash the affected area with warm water and leave it until it dries completely.
    Apply a coat or two of nail polish directly on the fish eye and leave it for a few hours.
  • Remove the nail polish and let the skin breathe for a few minutes, then reapply the nail polish again.
  • Continue this recipe until the fish eye falls off.

2- Garlic and castor oil to treat fish eyes:

Garlic is an effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent, and castor oil is a moisturizer and anti-inflammatory for the skin. This wonderful mixture works to get rid of fish eyes permanently, painlessly and in a short time.

  • Mix two crushed garlic cloves with a little castor oil.
  • Apply the mixture directly on the fish eye, wrap it with a piece of cotton cloth and leave it for four days.
  • After removing the cloth, the fish eye will fall off on its own without pain.

3- Treating fish eyes with baking soda and white vinegar:

  • The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of baking soda help to remove fish eye easily and painlessly.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of white vinegar with enough baking soda to make a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on the fish eye twice a day until the fish eye falls off.

4- Organic apple cider vinegar:

  • Apple cider vinegar is an ideal choice to get rid of fish eye. Although it does not kill the virus, its acidic nature helps the fish eye fall off quickly.
  • Soak a piece of cotton in organic apple cider vinegar and secure it to the fish eye area with tape.
  • Leave it on for a few hours.
  • Repeat this recipe daily until the fish eye falls off on its own.

5- Treating fish eyes in the past with tea tree essential oil:

  • This treatment is one of the treatments that eliminates the virus that causes fish eye due to its antiviral properties.
  • Soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil and secure it with tape over the fish eye.
    Repeat this recipe twice a day.

6- Turmeric paste and fish eye treatment:

This amazing treatment helps get rid of fish eye that does not respond to other treatments, as turmeric contains wonderful therapeutic properties that help get rid of fish eye and not leave any ugly scar in its place as well.

  • Mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder with enough water to make a thick, consistent paste.
  • Apply the paste directly on the fish eye and leave it for half an hour, then rinse it with normal water.
  • Turmeric paste may leave an annoying yellow spot on the skin. To get rid of it, rub it with a slice of lemon.
  • Repeat this recipe 3 times a day.

7- Banana peel:

  • The enzymes in banana peel help get rid of fish eyes permanently.
  • Rub the banana peel on the area affected by the fish eye twice a day until it disappears completely.

8- Basil leaves:

The antiviral properties of basil leaves completely eliminate fish eye, making this herb one of the best natural remedies to get rid of fish eye.

  • Chop half a cup of basil leaves into a fine paste.
  • Spread the paste on the affected area and wrap a bandage around it.
  • Repeat this recipe once a day until you get rid of fish eyes completely.

9- Leek leaves and white vinegar:

  • This recipe is one of the well-known recipes in ancient folk medicine and it is very effective in removing fish eyes.
  • Soak the myrrh leaves in vinegar for a whole day.
  • Wrap the balls of paper around the fish eye area and secure it with adhesive tape. Leave it overnight, then remove it in the morning and wash your feet well.
  • Repeat this recipe daily until you get rid of fish eyes completely.

If you suffer from fish eye problem, use any of these effective natural recipes to get rid of it permanently without pain, surgery or cauterization.