
Garlic bread and gratin CHEESE Homemade recipe!

By Lilias

An exquisite proposal to take a break from our daily activities and enjoy an ideal appetizer, it is about preparing  Garlic Bread and Gratin Cheese at home.

Generally when we arrive tired we take the first thing we have on hand to eat but without stopping to see if it is healthy or not, precisely that is not the most recommended.Recipe for Garlic Bread and Gratin Cheese-Image from Recetasgratis.net

The following recipe is about preparing a nutritious and healthy food in just a few minutes, an excellent option.

This appetizer contains olive oil, parsley and other healthy and natural ingredients, it is the best choice than opting for a candy or some processed food.

Let’s look at this practical and tasty recipe:



  • 2 Breads (of your choice)
  • 65 gr. Butter (preferably unsalted)
  • 30 ml. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 200 gr. Mozzarella (grated)
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 sprig of fresh basil
  • 1 tbsp. tureen of white vinegar
  • baking paper


  • First of all, we preheat the oven to 180º C.
  • Meanwhile, in a blender we add the butter, the garlic cloves, the tablespoon of oil and the vinegar.
  • Immediately cover and beat until everything is ground.
  • Then we add the parsley and beat it for 1 more minute, the reason for adding the parsley later is so that it does not disappear completely.
  • Next we uncover the lid and add 1 teaspoon of salt, cover again and beat for a few more seconds.
  • In this way we have the sauce for the garlic bread ready.
  • Now we choose a baking tray and place parchment paper.
  • Then we continue cutting the chosen bread in half so that approximately 8 pieces come out and we place them on the tray, with the help of a soup spoon we distribute the garlic and parsley sauce over each bread.
  • Finally, we spread the grated mozzarella to taste over each piece and place it in a moderate oven for approximately 12 minutes until the cheese is melted.
  • Before serving, we add some pieces of basil leaves and we are ready to enjoy this exquisite appetizer.
  • The key is that it was crunchy, with all the flavor of the garlic sauce and gratin with the mozzarella, very delicious.

You may be interested in: How to make garlic bread stuffed with mozzarella

Tricks and Tips

  • In the blender preparation, you can also add garlic powder.
  • To clarify about bread, if we want to use some other type of bread, whether seed or whole grain, try to ensure that the bread does not contain too many crumbs and has a consistent crust.


  • Let’s keep in mind that garlic bread and cheese is a classic that cannot be missed, so it can be incorporated into meals, especially accompanying a dish of lasagna, any other pasta or even stews. Nothing tastier than spreading a piece of bread in tomato sauce and enjoying this explosive combination of flavors.
  • Another suggestion to incorporate garlic bread and gratin cheese into meats, fish and seafood.
  • And if we want to prepare a vegan option, we recommend this vegan garlic sauce that will also combine very well with the breads we choose.