
How to make homemade noodles (with a rolling pin): grandmothers’ recipe

By Lilias

When we talk about  homemade noodles  we immediately think of grandma’s recipe, they really are unique recipes when it comes to preparing food.

In fact, they are simple ideas but full of flavor, a lot of love and especially loaded with irresistible aromas.

Generally when we think about this type of dishes we think that they are very difficult to make at home, but far from that we can do it, it just requires patience and having enough time.

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Let’s see below the necessary ingredients and the step by step of its entire preparation:



  • 500 gr. of Flour 000
  • 5 Eggs
  • 1 tsp. salt


Preparation of the dough:
  •  We start by placing the eggs in a bowl and mix a little.
  • Then we mix the flour with the salt separately in another container and pour it on the counter in the shape of a crown.
  • In the center we make a well and add the slightly beaten eggs.
  • In this step you have to work with your hands, more precisely with your fingers until you achieve a dough that reaches a somewhat hard consistency.
  • If we do not achieve the desired consistency, we can add a little more water until we obtain the expected results.
  • Let’s remember that for this dough, it is only made from flour and egg.
  • Next step, we begin to knead, helping it with a little flour for approximately 10 minutes.
  • Once we reach a soft and smooth bun, we cover it with a kitchen towel and let it rest for approximately 30 minutes.
How to make the noodles:
  • When the dough has finished resting, we stretch it with the help of a rolling pin. We previously floured the counter where we are going to work it, with the palms of our hands we began to flatten it.
  • We will surely give the dough a rectangular shape and then turn it over and stretch it with the rolling pin until we achieve the desired thickness.
  • Next we cut into strips of the desired width, the recommendation is that they be wide to make noodles.
  • When we have them ready, we let the noodles rest for about 15 minutes on a previously floured surface.
  • For thin noodles: they should be approximately 2 millimeters wide.
  • For wider noodles: they must be cut twice as thin, that is, between 4 to 5 millimeters.
  • For ribbons: they must be 1 centimeters wide.
  • For wide ribbons: they should be between 3 and 5 centimeters wide.
Cooking homemade noodles:
  • In a large pot we are going to place enough water, cover it and bring it to a moderate heat until it begins to boil.
  • When it starts to boil, add the coarse salt to taste.
  • It is also time to add the noodles and add the pasta but little by little, and from time to time we are going to stir the pot to prevent them from piling up and sticking.
  • We leave it there so that it can be cooked until it is al dente, we know that this means that it is firm but not raw.
  • Finally, we remove them from the heat, drain and season to taste.
  • Logically we can add a very tasty sauce to taste or accompany it with meat or chicken stew, a dish full of flavor.
  • Enjoy it for lunch or dinner!