
Ginger Water Recipe, A Delicious Drink to Burn Fat, Improve Digestion and Relieve Joint Pain

By Lesia

A lot of people find that fat accumulates more easily in certain parts of their body but unfortunately do not have enough time to dedicate to getting rid of it. If you are one of these people, you should know that you can definitely speed up the rate at which your body burns accumulated fat thanks to this magnificent plant called ginger.

Ginger is not only a spice that is highly prized in the culinary field, particularly in Asian cuisine or for herbal teas, but it is also a thousand-year-old remedy full of minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body such as magnesium, calcium, manganese and phosphorus.

Method of preparing ginger water

Ingredients :

  • A piece of ginger cut into thin slices (you can use a mandolin for this)
  • 1 and a half liters of water
  • (Optional) lemon juice

Steps to follow:

First, start by boiling water before adding the slices of fresh ginger. Then let it infuse over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Once removed from the heat, filter the liquid and add lemon if you want to improve the taste. This fat-burning drink should be taken before breakfast and in the evening, before dinner.

What Your Body Stands to Gain If You Adopt Ginger Water

The virtues of ginger water in the field of weight loss are no longer to be proven because it raises the body temperature in order to force the body to draw on its fat reserves, knowing that its effect is concentrated in particular on generally problematic areas such as the stomach, thighs and hips. But this drink does not only have this thermogenesis effect to offer your body, since there are other benefits at play.

Better absorption of nutrients

Consuming ginger improves the functioning of the stomach and stimulates the pancreas to produce pancreatic enzymes in greater numbers. This means that at such a rate, digestion is improved and the body will benefit much more from each meal by efficiently absorbing every available nutrient.

Protection against flu and colds

This Asian spice has been used for a very long time as a powerful remedy against winter illnesses such as colds and flu due to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. But it is not only a good treatment, but also an excellent way to prevent these particularly annoying conditions. Many  studies  have been able to shed light on the virtues of ginger in the fight against flu and colds in adults.

Better blood circulation

Magnesium and zinc are two minerals found in abundance in ginger, both of which play an important role in improving blood circulation. These properties also help prevent harmful cholesterol from building up in the liver.

A good way to strengthen the immune system

Consuming ginger regularly gives the body a certain ability to counter multiple attempts at viral or infectious intrusions. It also has the role of significantly reducing the risk of stroke.

A more efficient digestive system

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory action, ginger helps relieve abdominal pain that usually occurs in cases of stomach infection. It is also known to be a good way to combat constipation, bloating and indigestion.

A good pain reliever for joint pain

For people suffering from joint pain, ginger is an invaluable solution given its anti-inflammatory properties.

What Makes Ginger So Powerful

An excellent antioxidant:  the antioxidant properties of ginger make it a formidable enemy of free radicals which are very frequently the cause of several types of diseases such as cancer.

A foolproof anti-inflammatory:  Inflammation is the way our body reacts to protect itself against anything that risks destroying it. And since poor lifestyle habits generally give rise to all kinds of inflammation, ginger water represents an unsuspected solution to this very common problem these days.