
How to Propagate Bougainvillea Branches on a Balcony or in a Garden: The Foolproof Method

By Lesia

Is it possible to propagate bougainvillea branches quickly to quickly beautify the garden or balcony with this colorful and fragrant plant? There are several techniques and methods to copy, thanks to the advice of expert horticulturists who focus on this operation. Of course, if you do not have a green thumb or gardening skills, it is better to ask for help step by step. ad 1. Propagate Bougainvillea Branches: Expert Tips Bougainvillea is part of the large Nyctaginaceae family. In Italy it is a true symbol, adorning gardens and balconies with its magnificent colours. The peak flowering period is from summer to autumn. For flower lovers, it is certainly the perfect plant to bring a touch of light and colour to the environment. Its flowers are actually small coloured bracts that surround the small central cream or yellow flowers. 2. Propagation of Bougainvillea Branches Expert horticulturists confirm that it is possible to propagate bougainvillea with certain techniques, mainly using the cutting method. What you need to propagate this beautiful plant are sharp and sterilized scissors, a sheet of transparent plastic, and a container filled with sand and peat. 3. Rooting and Multiplication of the Plant Bougainvillea cuttings can only be taken from already developed, already flowering and healthy plants. This is done by taking a cutting of about 15 cm, only from a mature branch located below the node. The scissors to be used must be disinfected and well sharpened, cutting the branch perpendicularly and not sharply. Now take an easy-to-handle container, a large plastic pot, and a seedling tray. Fill the container halfway with coarse sand, while the other half should be full of peat. Using a pen, make holes all over the soil, corresponding to the cuttings to be grown. Continue by removing all the basal leaves of the cuttings, then inserting them into the holes created. There should be 15 cm of space between each cutting. Compact the soil and spray with water. Take the ready plastic sheet – transparent – ​​and place the pot in a bright place, such as a veranda if possible, or in a dry, closed and bright place. ad Experts also recommend using a phyto-stimulant substance, which helps to form roots in a healthy and fast way. You can also buy rooting powder (rooting hormones) to help the cutting in its development and maximum growth. Of course, the soil must remain constantly moist without the cutting being watered too much. The ideal is non-calcareous tap water, rested for 24 hours. Rooting occurs in about a month, making sure to remove condensation from the plastic cover every morning. After this period, the plant can be transferred to a larger pot and in a bright area.