
Plants, goodbye to dry and yellow leaves: the miracle ingredient you have in your kitchen

By Lesia
  1. Excess Water: Excessive watering can rot the roots and cause yellow leaves. Make sure the substrate drains well and avoid water stagnation.
  2. Excess Sun: Direct sun can burn the leaves. Adjust the location of your plants so that they receive indirect light.
  3. Lack of Light: Some plants, such as geraniums, need a lot of light to thrive. Make sure they receive enough natural light.
  4. Nutrient Deficiency: Lack of nitrogen or iron can cause yellowing of leaves. Use appropriate fertilizers to correct these deficiencies.
  5. Excess Wind: Strong wind can stress plants and cause damage. Protect plants from excessive air currents.
  6. Pests: Pests can damage leaves, causing them to turn yellow. Check and treat plants if necessary.
    Remedies to Combat Yellow Leaves
  7. Location and Watering:
    o Location: Place the plants in a well-lit place but without direct sun.
    o Watering: Adjust the frequency of watering to avoid excess water. Allow the substrate to dry a little between waterings.
  8. Pest Treatment:
    o Marseille Soap: Dilute it in water and spray on the leaves to eliminate pests.
    o Linseed Oil: Apply with a cotton swab to repel pests.
  9. Correction of Nutritional Deficiencies:
    o Special Fertilizers: Use fertilizers rich in nitrogen and iron according to the needs of your plants.
    o White Vinegar: Mix with water to water the soil, especially useful for plants such as azaleas. Vinegar helps dissolve excess salts in the soil.
  10. General Care:
    o Salinity Control: Avoid excessive use of fertilizers and allow irrigation water to sit before applying it to the plants.
    o Protection: Protect plants from extreme conditions and make sure they have the right environment for growth.
    By following these tips and remedies, you can keep your plants healthy and minimize the problem of yellow leaves. Good luck with your garde