
How to Stimulate the Growth of the Peace Lily (Moses’ Cradle): This is How to Make it Grow Healthy and Full of Flowers.

By Lesia

The Moses’ Cradle or Peace Lily plant is an indoor plant that does not require special care or attention. However, this does not mean that it should grow without any maintenance. All plants, including the Spathiphyllum, need care and attention.

This plant loves to be in a partially shaded place and, in any case, avoid direct contact with the sun’s rays. Therefore, it is an ideal plant for indoors, although it can also be placed outside, as long as its preference for indirect light is respected and intense sun exposure is avoided.

The perfect place for the peace lily is in partial shade. It is not advisable to place the plant near heat sources, such as radiators or stoves.

How to Stimulate the Growth of the Peace Lily or Moses’ Cradle: This is How to Make it Grow Healthy and Full of Flowers

During the warm months, this plant needs the soil and leaves to be watered more frequently than in winter. It is crucial that the soil never dries out completely. A well-cared for peace lily located in a suitable environment can live for more than 15 years, even reaching 20 years.

In this article, you will discover some techniques to stimulate the growth of this plant and get many flowers. Here we present everything you need to know.

Growing the Spathiphyllum or Moses’ Cradle: The Right Steps to Follow

This plant has green and robust leaves. If properly cared for, it will be able to produce white flowers with an incredible aroma. The better you care for and stimulate the plant, the more flowers will grow. The first step is to remove dust from the leaves frequently. You can do this by using a spray bottle to spray the leaves with water.

As we mentioned above, the location of the plant is essential. In addition, the soil should always be kept moist and never dry. By following these recommendations, you will have a healthy Spathiphyllum, with abundant flowering and green leaves all year round. The flowering of the Spathiphyllum will not begin before it is 6 months old.

There are techniques to further improve the flowering and growth of the plant in a healthy and natural way. Would you like to know some simple methods? Here you have all the information about these easy-to-apply methods.

Techniques to have a Healthy Moses’ Cradle Plant Full of Flowers

To stimulate the healthy growth of your Spathiphyllum, you can use a special ingredient: milk. Mix about half a liter of water with half a liter of whole milk and water the plant with this mixture at least once a week. Milk is an excellent fertilizer and provides your plant with valuable organic support, as it contains calcium, phosphorus and important vitamins.

If you want to ensure optimal growth and flowering for the peace lily, you can also try another method: the use of onion and coffee. These elements, although very different, will help trigger your plant’s flowering more quickly.

Mix about a liter of water with 4 or 5 tablespoons of ground coffee. Also mix water with some onion peels. Let both mixtures sit for 24-36 hours and then combine them. Use this mixture to water the plant at least once a month.

These methods will help ensure optimal growth and flowering for your Moses Cradle, keeping your indoor plant healthy and full of its beautiful, fragrant white flowers.