
How to fight fruit worms organically

By Lesia

1. What is codling moth:

o The codling moth is the larva of a small gray butterfly (Cydia pomonella) that affects fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, among others, causing significant damage.

2. Life cycle:

o The larvae burrow into the fruit, feed, emerge from the fruit to pupate in the soil, and emerge as butterflies in spring to repeat the cycle.

3. Biological control methods:

o Bagging the fruit: Individually cover the fruits with paper bags closed with thread to protect them from moths and other insects.

o Corrugated cardboard strips: Place around trunks to capture larvae seeking shelter, remove and burn cardboard regularly.

o Pheromone traps: Attract and capture adult males to reduce the population, thus monitoring the infestation and need for treatment.

o Biological insecticide (Carpovirusine): Virus that kills codling moth larvae, safe for auxiliary fauna. Apply as directed after detecting a significant population in pheromone traps.

4. Practical implementation:

o Follow the specific instructions for each method, such as proper placement of traps and frequency of pheromone renewal.

o Maintain continuous monitoring and adjust measures as needed to protect your fruit trees throughout the season.

With these methods combined, you can effectively control codling moth in an environmentally friendly way, protecting your fruit crops and minimising the use of chemicals.