
10 Simple Steps to Growing 15-30 Kilograms of Tomatoes Per Plant.

By Lesia

Here are 10 steps to growing 15 to 30 kilos per tomato plant. Watch:

1. Choose the right tomato species

Depending on where you live, it is important to choose a tomato variety that is suited to your region’s climate. What works in one region may not work elsewhere.

If you have little sun, opt for cherry tomatoes which will ripen more easily. Any doubts? Simply ask for advice at a garden center or from another more experienced gardener who lives in your area.

2. Leave the tomato plants lying on their sides for 2-3 days

Take your tomato plants and lay them on their sides in the garden in the sun for 2 to 3 days.

In just a few days, you will see the tops of your tomato plants rise towards the sun.

3. Plant tomato plants in trenches

At this point, dig a trench and place the tomato plant inside. Cover with soil, leaving the top of the plant that has risen (8 to 10 cm) above the soil.

With this trick, the stem of the tomato plant turns into a much stronger root than if you had grown it vertically.

4. Add natural fertilizer and water thoroughly

When planting, add about 250g of slow-release natural fertilizer such as coffee grounds, kelp or banana peels. Find out the trick here. Then, water the tomato plants thoroughly.

5. Place a cage around each tomato plant

Build a wire cage around each leg about 5 feet high and 2 feet wide. If you are looking for cheap wire mesh, you can find it directly here.

To ensure that the cage holds up well, cut the mesh at its base so that the small spikes go into the ground instead of just being placed there. It is important that the cage holds up well even if it is windy.

6. Cover the cages with plastic sheeting

Young tomato plants hate wind. Protect them by surrounding the cage up to the top with plastic, wintering-type canvas or even bubble wrap.

This helps to cut the wind while they grow well. And it’s also very practical to keep the tomatoes warm if the temperatures aren’t high enough where you live.

7. Fertilize tomato plants with Epsom salt

To give your tomatoes a boost, water the leaves with a mixture of Epsom salt and water (1 tablespoon in 3 liters of water).

Not only does this help increase the yield of your tomato plants, but it also prevents yellowing of the leaves. Water with this mixture every 1 to 2 weeks.

8. Mulch around tomato plants to retain moisture

Tomatoes can be water-hungry if you train them to have a lot of water. To keep the soil moist at all times, put a good layer of straw around the plants.

9. Wait until tomatoes are 30% ripe to pick them.

Birds love to peck at red tomatoes! So to prevent birds from destroying your tomatoes, pick them before they are completely red at about 30% ripe.

You can tell a tomato is 30% ripe when it starts to have a little red appearing on the skin, but the rest is still green. Let them ripen at home in the sun in the kitchen in the open air.

10. Don’t put your tomatoes in the fridge

Don’t put tomatoes in the fridge, as they may spoil and lose their delicious flavor. Instead, place them on your kitchen counter.

Remember to alternate your crops the following year: tomatoes should not be in the same place each year. This rotation helps to avoid exhausting your soil.