
Purslane in your garden: 8 reasons not to kill it!

By Lesia

Purslane in your garden

Purslane is an annual herbaceous plant that forms tufts. It has long creeping stems and is covered with small, round, plump, soft green leaves. Between July and October, it is adorned with small yellow flowers. We enjoy its fresh leaves which have a slightly tangy and spicy flavor. It grows spontaneously in gardens in the south of France, but it is possible to grow it in your garden, or in a pot, if your land does not suit it!

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) extends its succulent stems, whose fleshy tissues are rich in water, at ground level at the end of summer. Wrongly considered a weed, it is in fact one of the oldest vegetable plants. Imported from the Orient by the Romans, then abandoned over time, it has become naturalized in our gardens. Jean-Baptiste de La Quintinie, gardener to Louis XIV, had empirically anticipated the excellent nutritional properties of purslane and considered it a “health salad”. It is also a bio-indicator plant, that is to say that it provides information on the nature of the soil. If it is very present, it is because the soil is too compact, it lacks air and it is deficient in calcium. It also indicates a dry substrate in the summer and which has difficulty fixing the elements.

8 good reasons to grow market purslane in your garden:

1. Fight depression:

Purslane leaves are a good source of Omega-3, which is an excellent fuel for the brain, it prevents cardiac arrests and is an excellent treatment for depression. According to mother earth living You can replace your green and leafy vegetables on your plates with purslane leaves. Use them to garnish your sandwiches, add them to soup, stews and especially, in all your salads! Purslane has a peppery taste and can sometimes be harsh.

Contraindication: Avoid consuming purslane during pregnancy, it allows the uterine muscles to contract.

2. Hydration:

Purslane is 93% water. Consume this plant to replenish dehydrated cells.

3. Calm inflammation

In ancient Greece, purslane was already used to calm inflammations of the skin but also of the mucous membranes. Purslane will also be effective in treating respiratory inflammations such as sore throats, but also urinary inflammations such as painful cystitis. In addition, purslane has diuretic properties.

4. An excellent antioxidant

Purslane is rich in vitamins A, C and E which are said to delay cellular damage and slow down skin aging.

5. Facilitate blood clotting

Purslane leaves are also used to facilitate blood clotting.

In herbal medicine, the whole plant is used: fresh, in decoction or dried then reduced to powder to be taken in the form of capsules. A well-known benefit of purslane in capsules is that of regulating blood sugar, important in particular for people who suffer from diabetes.

6. Rich in essential nutrients

Calcium and Magnesium: Add purslane leaves as suggested above to maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles.

Potassium: By adding purslane to your daily diet, it will help maintain good blood pressure.

Iron: Iron is not only found in meat and beans. Purslane is also a good source of iron.

7. Contains Betalain

Purslane contains betalain. This is an antioxidant that prevents cholesterol from damaging blood vessels. Purslane therefore has an extremely positive effect on cholesterol levels.

8. Production of melatonin

This antioxidant helps produce melatonin. Melatonin is very important for regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

How to enjoy purslane?

Very similar to lamb’s lettuce, purslane is sometimes called health salad. Its fleshy leaves have a lovely, intense green color, even in winter. Enough to brighten up your plates! Don’t just eat the leaves because the stems also have a lot of flavor. The thicker stems can be prepared and enjoyed like pickles.

Basically, let the purslane grow in your garden! Learn how to add it to your dishes and you will be healthier!