
Santiago omelette recipe – Very delicious and easy to prepare!

By Lilias

After the roast, we have the embers ready to prepare the Santiago omelette recipe, to accompany the mate after dinner or a delicious warm cooked mate. Do you want to know how to make them? Next, we leave you the recipe:



(for 2 Santiago tortillas)

500 g of 0000 flour (it can also be 000)

250 ml of warm water

50 g of beef fat

Go out to taste


How to make grilled tortillas is not a great science, but it is recommended to do it after grilling to take advantage of the few embers that remain.

We start by adding salt to the water, making sure it is very salty since it will season the entire tortilla. On the other hand we begin to melt the fat.

We take the flour and leave it on a surface or bowl, and make the crown (a hole in the center) and add the melted fat.

We mix well and you will see that it has little pieces of fat, so that the fat is integrated into all the flour we simply have to sandblast it.

For this, we take a little of the flour with fat with one hand, wide open and still, and with the other we crush it and move it up and down.

We repeat until the fat has been well integrated into the flour. Once finished, we proceed to make another crown.

Now in the center we add the water little by little and mix with the help of a fork, and when there is no more water we proceed to knead.

Not before paying close attention to whether it lacks water or flour, it’s simple, the dough has to be soft, smooth and not so soft. If it is chewy and sticks to your hands, you need a little flour.

Now if you see that there is still flour on the outside and kneading it, it does not integrate, it is because it does not have enough water.

To finish the kneading, we give it a couple of blows and let it rest for 10 minutes covered at room temperature.

Then we cut the dough in half and form 2 balls, we stretch it with a rolling pin giving it the typical rounded shape and leave it at the thickness we want.


To take it to the grill, you just have to prick it all over the surface with a fork, and then we send it to where there are not so many embers.

We simply wait for it to be somewhat golden brown and turn it over, it is important that the ember is not too hot because otherwise it will not be able to be taken away.

And we would finish this delicious easy-to-make grilled tortilla recipe, ideal to accompany with some mate in the afternoon after a good barbecue.

Tricks/Tips: Santiago tortilla recipe

To know if the grill is at the correct temperature we simply put our hand near the grill and we have to count, if you can hold up to 16 it is the perfect time to put them in.

For a delicious grilled Santiago tortilla we are going to need pella fat, approximately 300 g of pella fat per 1 kilo of flour, the procedure is exactly the same.

Another little trick for this grilled fat tortilla is to make it the day before grilling, to cook it the next day.

This is so that the dough rests and has a nice fermentation, which improves the flavor in an incredible way.

If it is winter, you can leave it outside well covered, but if it is summer, it is better to leave it in the refrigerator underneath everything.

We hope you find it useful and find it very tasty!