
Boiling bananas helps reduce stress, aid in weight loss, fight constipation and control blood pressure

By Lesia

Banana is a good and delicious fruit that can be eaten as a dessert or to enhance several sweet dishes for the pleasure of our palate. However, it does not only have culinary virtues but much more. Indeed, banana is good for our health and brings many benefits to our body.

Banana is a fruit that contains powerful antioxidants and helps prevent the risk of several diseases. In addition, it contains vitamins, proteins and a great source of energy thanks to thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. In addition, banana helps regulate the function of the digestive system, manage women’s menstrual problems, strengthen the body by increasing its robustness and reduce anxiety and facilitate sleep.

The virtues of banana

1. Stress

Stress has a negative impact on our health and contributes to the acceleration of metabolism and the level of potassium released in the body. However, bananas, which are rich in potassium, help normalize heart rate and tryptophan, a protein that the body transforms into serotonin. The latter brings calm and serenity.

2. Health of the intestinal flora

Banana is rich in probiotics that help activate the intestinal flora. It acts as a mild laxative for the intestines while reducing gas and flatulence. In addition, the pectin it contains helps eradicate toxins and heavy metals from the body.

3. Blood pressure

The potassium contained in bananas helps balance blood pressure. Therefore, it is advisable to eat one every morning. It should be noted that regular consumption of bananas combined with a reduction in salt and saturated fats could reduce the risk of stroke by 24%.

5. Weight loss

Banana promotes weight loss, given its richness in water-soluble fibers that activate to regularly empty the intestines for a feeling of lightness. In addition, water and fibers quickly fill the stomach for a satiating effect which helps to avoid overconsumption and snacking. In addition, it contains lipase, a fat-burning enzyme, considered the great diet asset of the banana.

6. Depression

Banana contains tryptophan which is a protein that is converted into serotonin and has the effect of relaxing and calming the body. Therefore, just one banana is enough to increase the serotonin level. And you will feel relaxed and happy.

7. Quitting smoking

Banana is rich in vitamin B6, potassium and magnesium which help the body to compensate for the lack of nicotine.

8. Anemia

Banana is essential when suffering from anemia. In fact, its high iron content helps increase the production of hemoglobin in the blood.

9. Concentration

Potassium is highly present in bananas and therefore promotes concentration and learning.

Banana drink for good relaxation

To prepare this drink, it is advisable to use organic bananas that do not contain pesticides.

Ingredients :

  • 1 organic banana
  • A little cinnamon

Preparation :

  • Peel and cut the banana into slices.
  • Dip these in a pan of boiling water and let boil for about ten minutes.
  • Using a strainer, collect the banana slices and set them aside on a plate.
  • Pour the water into a cup, add a little cinnamon if you wish and drink the preparation before going to bed.
  • You can also mash the banana slices and sprinkle them with a little cinnamon. Enjoy them as an accompaniment with the infusion.

Attention :

Due to its cinnamon content, this drink is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Overconsumption of this spice can cause heart palpitations.