
Frola pasta without flour, without butter and without sugar: healthier!

By Lilias

Fortunately, baking offers us a range of options for all tastes, in fact we can find numerous recipes so that people with celiac disease can enjoy delicious sweet cakes. This is what the following recipe is about,  Pasta frola without flour, without butter and without sugar. 

With much healthier ingredients we will make this sweet delight that will surprise us with its result, since it will have the same flavor as the ones we buy in bakeries.

This frola pasta is a perfect natural sweetness to accompany a delicious tea, and the best thing is that it accepts different sweets and we can even add homemade jam.

It is actually a Pasta Frola for the whole family, very delicious and healthy. Below we see the recipe with the ingredients that we are going to need and the step by step of its entire preparation:



  • 200 gr. of cornstarch
  • 200 gr. of rice flour
  • ½ cup sunflower oil
  • 2 Yolks
  • 1 tsp. of vanilla essence
  • 1 day of baking soda
  • 2 cditas. Stevia
  • 3 tbsp. from Porto

Preparation for Flourless Frola Pasta

  •  We start by placing the cornstarch in a container, then we add the rice flour, sunflower oil and the teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Next, we mix everything very well and add the 2 teaspoons of stevia, also a splash of vanilla essence and the 2 egg yolks.
  • Next step, we remove the mixture from the bowl and knead with the help of our hands until we achieve a soft and manageable dough.
  • Meanwhile, we choose a baking mold and adapt the dough to the base, it will take approximately 3/4 of the dough ball.
  • We preheat the oven to 180º C, and insert the mold so that it is cooked over moderate heat until cooked.
  • While it is cooking, we use the leftover dough and stretch it with the rolling pin. We cut and form the strips with the dough.
  • At the same time, we prepare the type of sweet that we are going to use and mix it with the tablespoons of port.
  • If it is a hard quince paste, we cut it into cubes and heat it in a container together with the port until we achieve a homogeneous mixture.
  • We must ensure that the dough is barely cooked, remember that it should not brown.
  • When it is ready, we remove it from the oven and fill with the sweet to taste.
  • As a final touch to decorate our frola pasta, we apply the crossed strips.
  • Finally, we put it back in the oven for a few more minutes or until the top strips are golden brown.
  • When cooking is finished, remove from the oven and let it cool slightly on a rack.
  • Ready to serve and enjoy this exquisite  Frola Pasta without flour, without butter and without sugar!


  • An optional recommendation is to sprinkle a little powdered sugar on top or brush with syrup, they will be perfect.
  • To keep in mind, you can replace the rice flour and cornstarch with gluten-free premix.
  • Regarding the type of sweet that we are going to use to fill, you can add quince, sweet potato or pastry dulce de leche, it is up to our taste.