
Garlic: 11 secrets you don’t know yet

By Lesia

There is no denying that garlic has an unpleasant aroma and is usually not the first thing you want to consume before meeting up with friends or going out with someone. However, garlic has some remarkable benefits, and it is not essential to ingest it constantly, as we will see in this article.

In Europe it is used in the preparation of many dishes, to give a firmer and more flavorful taste.

Some people are so addicted to garlic that they can’t live without it, while others are put off by its smell. However, there are so many benefits to using garlic that it would be unwise to overlook them because of its smell.

The endless properties of this plant are incredible and totally natural.

The benefits of garlic are not known to many people. Did you know that keeping a clove of garlic under your pillow can help you sleep? To discover the 11 splendid uses of garlic, read on.

1) A pod under the pillow

If you are curious about what garlic can be used for, you will soon find out. Garlic not only has benefits when ingested; the sulfur elements disperse in the same way as its aroma, but the former have a calming effect on the body. After getting used to its powerful aroma, you will discover that it is indispensable for fighting insomnia.

A pod under the pillow

2) To fall asleep easily

Before you decide on your opinion about this concept, you should try it. Prepare a drink from 200 ml of milk, a chopped clove of garlic and a tablespoon of honey. Put the milk and garlic in a saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Then let it cool a little, and then stir in the honey. It is advisable to drink this mixture about thirty minutes before going to bed.

3) Against coughs and colds

In winter, it is not uncommon for people to catch colds or other illnesses, even if they do not have a fever. A useful remedy for these problems is garlic, which has been used as a natural antibiotic for centuries. To prepare an infusion, chop a clove and let it infuse in boiling water for five minutes. Once the liquid is filtered and sweetened, it should be consumed regularly for at least a week.

4) Natural aphrodisiac

Despite popular belief, garlic is part of a selection of aphrodisiacs, along with oysters, strawberries, chili peppers and chocolate. This attribute has been recognized since ancient times; in fact, Aristotle spoke of it. To take advantage of its aphrodisiac qualities, it is recommended to buy garlic extracts rather than prepare it.

5) Anti-acne

Teenagers will be happy to hear that garlic is a great way to combat pimples thanks to its antibiotic and antibacterial properties. The cause of acne is a bacteria called propionibacterium acnes that lives in the sebaceous follicles. By using garlic regularly, it is possible to act directly on the action of this bacteria, hindering its spread. To do this, simply rub a clove of garlic on the problem areas before bed.

6) Natural disinfectant

Whether you injured yourself while cooking at home or were scratched by a cat, you should take steps to disinfect the wound as soon as possible. If you don’t have hydrogen peroxide, you can use a clove of garlic instead. Peel it and rub it on the affected area. For minor injuries, garlic can not only disinfect the area but also aid in the healing process. However, it is important to note that these natural remedies should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.

7) Fight hair loss

If you are facing hair loss, know that garlic can be beneficial. Allicin, which is present in garlic, has been found to be effective against hair loss. To use this remedy, cut garlic into slices and rub the inner part on your head. You can also crush a few cloves of garlic with olive oil and use this mixture to massage your scalp.

8) Remove splinters easily

To get rid of small splinters, garlic is an effective solution. Cut a small slice of garlic and place it on the splinter, then add a bandage or adhesive tape for added security. It is recommended to perform this technique before going to sleep. When you wake up, remove the adhesive tape and the splinter should be gone.

9) Keep mosquitoes away naturally 

Mosquitoes hate garlic and will not bite people who use a garlic-based ointment. To make your own mixture, you will need petroleum jelly, beeswax, and garlic essential oil. You can also place garlic cloves in areas where mosquitoes tend to congregate.

10) Eliminates cold sores 

If you have a cold sore, you can try crushing a clove of garlic and placing it on the affected area for a few minutes. The anti-inflammatory elements in garlic should help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Taking garlic supplements can also speed up the healing process.

11) Against toothache

If you don’t take proper care of your teeth, you are likely to experience toothache and garlic can help you ease the agony. Its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory abilities can also help treat the problem. To use it, simply crush a clove of garlic, sprinkle it with salt and place it on the aching tooth often. Just crunching on a clove of garlic can give you quick relief from your toothache.